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解决时间 2021-03-14 10:07


The Zhaozhou Bridge is the world's oldest stone segmental arch bridge. Being located in Hebei Province, it is also the oldest standing bridge in China. (当今世界上跨径最大、建造最早的单孔敞肩型石拱桥。)

The Zhaozhou Bridge is also known as the Safe Crossing Bridge (安济桥)and the Great Stone Bridge (大石桥). It crosses the Xiao River (洨河) in Zhao County (赵县) , which was formerly known as Zhaozhou (赵州). In total, the bridge is about 50 m long with a central span of about 37 m. It stands 7.3 m tall and has a width of 9 m. (桥在哪里, 多高多长,等等)

The bridge has two small side arches on either side of the main arch. These side arches serve two important functions: First, they reduce the total weight of the bridge by about 15.3% or approximately 700 tons. Second, when the bridge is submerged during a flood, they allow water to pass through, thereby reducing the forces on the structure of the bridge. (拱桥在洪水时让水满过去而不会倒塌, 桥的奇特之处)

The Zhaozhou Bridge was constructed in the years 595-605 during the Sui Dynasty. It is credited to a craftsman named Li Chun (李春). Since it was built, it has withstood 10 floods, eight battles, and many earthquakes including a 7.2 degree earthquake in 1966. Yet, the support structure remains intact and the bridge is still in use. (何人建造; 经过无数次的风雨和地震,至今仍安然无恙)

Zhaozhou Bridge Zhaozhou Bridge has another name called Anji Bridge and lies to the Xiao river of the south Zhao Country Hebei Province. It is the large famous ancient stone arch bridge which still exists in our country. It was built by Li Chun in the Sui period (A.D.590-608). The bridge which is form hole is 50.82 meters long and about 10 meters wide. The span of the bridge is 37.02 meters. The bridge arch is 7.23 meters high and is made up 28 stones side by side. The arch curve is gentle. There are four small arches on the bridge arc which is not only lose weight and save materials but also be easy to flow freshet and increase beauty. In the history of the bridge of the world it is the remarkable model in the design and craft. It also belongs to the invention because of the large span at that time reflects the intelligence and ability of the ancient working people of our country. The well-known Zhaozhou Bridge, also known as Anji Bridge or Dashi Bridge, is a large stone-arched bridge located on the Xiaohe River in Zhaozhou County, Hebei Province . It is the largest and oldest stone-arched bridge in the world.<BR>It took 11 years to complete the bridge -- from the first to the 11th year of the Daye reign (605-616) of the Sui Dynasty (581-618). Bridge designer Li Chun built the Zhaozhou Bridge south of Beijing with a stone arch made of massive limestone wedges reinforced with iron. The innovative main arch of the Zhaozhou Bridge curves to form a shallow arch rather than the half circle preferred by Roman engineers at the time. Li's creativity and ingenuity in producing such a unique design and structure has won the admiration of many people. The Zhaozhou Bridge predates any comparable development in Europe by several hundred years.  <BR>The Zhaozhou Bridge is 50.82 meters long and 9.6 meters wide; the span of its large stone arch in the middle measures 37.37 meters -- the world's largest arch at the time. There is also a smaller symmetrical arch at each end. This kind of structure not only requires less building materials but also makes sluicing during the flood season much easier. The bridge floor is smooth and flat with passages for pedestrians on both sides, while carriages and  carts can move through the middle. The apex of the arch is fairly high so that boats can also pass through easily. The bridge is ingeniously designed, with a well-proportioned layout, solid structure and a magnificent and attractive outward appearance. In the history of the bridge of the world it is the remarkable model in the design and craft. It also belongs to the invention because of the large span at that time reflects the intelligence and ability of the ancient working people of our country.
Zhaozhou Bridge The Zhaozhou Bridge (traditional Chinese:赵州桥; simplified Chinese:赵州桥; pinyin:Zhàozhōu Qiáo) is the world's oldest open-spandrel stone segmental arch bridge. Credited to a craftsman named Li Chun,the bridge was constructed in the years 595-605 during the Sui Dynasty.Located in the southern part of Hebei Province,it is the oldest standing bridge in China,although the Chinese had built bridges over waterways since the ancient Zhou Dynasty. Name and location: The Zhaozhou Bridge is also known as the Safe Crossing Bridge (traditional Chinese:安济桥; simplified Chinese:安济桥; pinyin:An Ji Qiáo,englished as the Anji Bridge) and the Great Stone Bridge (Chinese:大石桥; pinyin:Dà Shí Qiáo).It crosses the Xiao River (traditional Chinese:; simplified Chinese:洨河; pinyin:Xiào Hé,Jiao He) in Zhao County,approximately 40 km southeast of the provincial capital Shijiazhuang.It is named for the nearby Zhao County (赵县),which was formerly known as Zhaozhou (赵州). Construction: The Zhaozhou Bridge is about 50 m long with a central span of about 37 m.It stands 7.3 m tall and has a width of 9 m.The arch covers a circular segment less than a semicircle and has a rise-to-span ratio of approximately 1:5 (7.3 to 37 m).This is considerably smaller than the rise-to-span ratio of 1:2 of a semicircular arch bridge and subjects the abutments of the bridge to large forces. The central arch is made of 28 thin,curved limestone slabs which are joined with iron dovetails.This allows the arch to adjust to shifts in its supports,and prevents the bridge from collapsing even when a segment of the arch breaks.The bridge has two small side arches on either side of the main arch.These side arches serve two important functions:First,they reduce the total weight of the bridge by about 15.3% or approximately 700 tons,which is vital because of the low rise-to-span ratio and the large forces on the abutments it creates.Second,when the bridge is submerged during a flood,they allow water to pass through,thereby reducing the forces on the structure of the bridge. Li Chun's innovative spandrel-arch construction,while economising in materials,was also of considerable aesthetic merit.An inscription left on the bridge by Tang officials seventy years after its construction reads: “ This stone bridge over the Jiao River is the result of the work of the Sui engineer Li Chun.Its construction is indeed unusual,and no-one knows on what principle he made it.But let us observe his marvellous use of stone-work.Its convexity is so smooth,and the wedge-shaped stones fit together so perfectly...How lofty is the flying-arch!How large is the opening,yet without piers!..Precise indeed are the cross-bondings and joints between the stones,masonry blocks delicately interlocking like mill wheels,or like the walls of wells; a hundred forms (organised into) one.And besides the mortar in the crevices there are slender-waisted iron cramps to bind the stones together.The four small arches inserted,on either side two,break the anger of the roaring floods,and protect the bridge mightily.Such a master-work could never have been achieved if this man had not applied his genius to the building of a work which would last for centuries to come.” Later history and reputation: In the next 1400 years,the bridge survived at least eight wars,ten major floods and numerous earthquakes,the nearest of which being the 7.2 degree Xingtai Earthquake in 1966.Yet,the support structure remains intact and the bridge is still in use.Only the ornamental railings have been replaced every few hundred years. The intriguing design of the bridge has given rise to many legends.According to one legend,the bridge was built by a master architect named Lu Ban in a single night.In another story,the bridge was put to the test by two immortals who crossed it at the same time and Lu Ban saved it by wading into the water and supporting the structure. Although Ming Dynasty authors compared the bridge to "a new moon rising above the clouds" and "a long rainbow hanging on a mountain waterfall",it later fell into obscurity.When Professor Liang Sicheng (梁思成) of Tsing Hua University rediscovered the bridge on a field exploration of ancient architecture in Hebei province,made detailed measurements,and published a report and drawing ("An Chi Ch'iao the Great Stone Bridge Chao Hsien,Hobei,Sui Dynasty AD 569-617,Li Chun Master Builder"),it became world famous. Zhaozhou Bridge was dedicated as an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1991.The Chinese authorities nominated it for incription on the World Heritage List as having "a very important place in the world bridge building history". You can tell your friend to google it online--Zhaozhou Bridge. 赵州桥又称安济桥,坐落在河北省赵县洨河上,横跨在37米多宽的河面上,因桥体全部用石料建成,俗称“大石桥”。建于隋朝年间公元595年——605年,由著名匠师李春设计建造,距今已有约1500年的历史,是当今世界上现存最早、保存最完整的古代单孔敞肩石拱桥。赵州桥凝聚了古代劳动人民的智慧与结晶,开创了中国桥梁建造的崭新局面。约1397年(也有些资料为大约700年)后,欧洲才建成类似的石拱桥。但此前欧洲已有三层石拱桥。
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