

答案:4  悬赏:30  
解决时间 2021-03-01 00:15
According to Kapoor, the design brief from the Mayor's office was for a "tower of at least 100 metres (330 ft)", while Balmond said that he was told the Mayor was "looking for an icon to match the Eiffel Tower".[12] Kapoor said that one of the influences on his design for the tower was the Tower of Babel, the sense of "building the impossible" that "has something mythic about it.", and that the form "straddles Eiffel and Tatlin".[12] Balmond, working on the metaphor of an orbit, envisaged an electron cloud moving, to create a structure that appears unstable, propping itself up, "never centred, never quite vertical"[12] Both believe that Orbit represents a new way of thinking, "a radical new piece of structure and architecture and art" that uses non-linearity – the use of "instabilities as stabilities."[12] The spaces inside the structure, in between the twisting steel, are "cathedral like", according to Balmond, while according to Kapoor, the intention is that visitors will engage with the piece as they wind "up and up and in on oneself" on the spiral walkway.[12] The Independent describes Orbit as "a continuously looping lattice...made up of eight strands winding into each other and combined by rings like a jagged knot". The Guardian describes it as a "giant lattice tripod sporting a counterweight collar around its neck designed to offset the weight of its head, a two-storey dining and viewing gallery". According to the BBC, the design incorporates the five Olympic rings.[13][14][15] Upon its launch Johnson said of the "mind-boggling" design: "It would have boggled the minds of the Romans. It would have boggled Gustave Eiffel."[13] Nicholas Serota, a member of the design panel, said that Orbit was a tower with an interesting twist, with "the energy you might traditionally associate with this type of structure but in a surprisingly female form".[16] [edit] NameAccording to Mittal, Orbit was already the working title of the design by Kapoor and Balmond, as it symbolised a continuous journey, a creative representation of the "extraordinary physical and emotional effort" that Olympians undertake in their continuous drive to do better. It was decided to keep this as the final name and prepend the name of Mittal's company ArcelorMittal as the project supporter.[3] On the public announcement of the design Johnson conceded that it might become known by something other than its official name, suggesting "Colossus of Stratford" or the "Hubble Bubble", in reference to his belief that it resembles a giant shisha pipe, or a variant on people's perceptions that it resembled a "giant treble clef", a "helter-skelter", or a "supersized mutant trombone".[9] [edit] HeightEarly contradictory reports suggested the tower would be 120 metres (390 ft) tall.[9][17][18][19] However, it finally measured in at 114.5 metres (376 ft) making it the UK's tallest sculpture[20] surpassing "Aspire" (at 60m). The Greater London Authority, on announcing the project, chose to describe Orbit's height in comparison to the Statue of Liberty, relaying how it will be 22 metres (72 ft) taller than that iconic New York City landmark.[8] The statue of Liberty is 93 metres (305 ft) high, when counting the 46 metres (151 ft) statue together with its pedestal. While the media picked up the apparent intention of the authority to cast the Orbit as London's answer to the Eiffel Tower, The Guardian related how it was "considerably shorter" than that Parisian icon;[9][13][21] the Eiffel Tower is 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall. The Guardian also noted that, with respect to comparisons to Eiffel's Tower, it is even "20 metres (66 ft) shorter than the diminutive Blackpool Tower".[21] The structure's height was also compared in the media with other London landmarks. It was described as being "slightly taller" or "nearly 20 metres (66 ft) taller" than the Big Ben clock tower, the centrepiece of the Palace of Westminster.[9][13] It was also described as being "twice as tall" or "more than double the height" of Nelson's Column, the monument honouring Admiral Nelson located in Trafalgar Square.[13][22] Others reports described how it was "just short of" or "almost as tall as" the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the ancient tomb of the Pharaoh Khufu.[9][23] Big Ben is 96.3 metres (316 ft) tall, Nelson's Column is 51.5 metres (169 ft) tall in total, including statue and column. The Giza Pyramid was thought to have been constructed as 280 Egyptian cubits or 146.478 metres (480.57 ft) tall, although with erosion it has reduced in height by nearly 10 metres. [edit] DesignersOrbit is described as "Designed by Anish Kapoor and Cecil Balmond".[24] Kapoor is a Turner Prize winning sculptor, while Balmond is one of the world's leading designers. According to Kapoor, both men are "interested in a place where architecture meets sculpture" and "the way that form and geometry give rise to structure".[25] Kapoor and Balmond stated that their interests have blurred and crossed over into each other's fields, since they had first begun working together in 2002 on Kapoor's Marsyas installation in the Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern.[25] As well as Orbit, in 2010 Kapoor and Balmond were also working on the Tees Valley Giants, a public art project in northern England.[25] [edit] Construction Construction in September 2011.Orbit is located in the southern area of the Olympic Park, between Olympic Stadium and the Aquatics Centre.[8] After the March 2010 confirmation of Orbit as the winning design[3][13], construction began in November 2010 and the scupture reached its full height in November 2011.[26] Steel is the primary material used in the sculpture. According to Balmond, there was no other feasible alternative, as steel was the only material that could give the minimum thickness and maximum strength represented in the coiling Orbit structure.[12] The structure was built from approximately 1,400 tons of steel. The steel was produced as much as possible from ArcelorMittal plants around the world, with the exact sourcing being determined by the grades of steel required and the technical requirements of the project.[3] 60% of the steel used for the sculpture was made of recycled steel in the Esch Belval steel plant in Luxembourg. [27] On 14 March 2011, with construction already underway on the main pylon, The One Show broadcast footage of the on-site status of project, and profiled the four man team putting the Orbit together, comprising two steel erectors, a crane operator and a site foreman. [edit] UseAs an observation tower, the Orbit contains two indoor viewing platforms on two levels, with each level having the capacity for 150 people.[13] [20] In comparison to the Orbit's 115m height, the nearby Olympic Stadium is 193 feet (59 m) high.[22] According to the Greater London Authority, the observation platform offers "unparalleled views of the entire 250 acres (1.0 km2; 0.39 sq mi) of the Olympic Park and London's skyline".[8] According to "The Independent", visitors should take the lift to the top and descend the 455-step staircase; this should allow them to appreciate the views around which Anish Kapoor arranged the sculpture. [20] The tower is expected to be able to cope with visitor numbers of 700 people per hour.[13] During the Olympic Games, the entrance fee is fixed at £15 for adults and £7 for children, though prices may come down after the event. [20] The tower also includes a dining area. [20] The ambition is that the sculpture, as well as being a focal point for the Olympic Park during the Games, will also form part of the wider Stratford regeneration plans, which aim to turn the Olympic site into a permanent tourist destination after the Games.[2] Tessa Jowell said Orbit will be "like to honey to bees for the millions of tourists that visit London each year".[8] Boris Johnson predicted the tower would become "the perfect iconic cultural legacy".[8] According to Lord Coe, chairman of the London 2012 Olympic organisers, the tower would play a central part in the Game's role of leaving a lasting legacy and transformed landscape in east London.[8]
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