

答案:2  悬赏:60  
解决时间 2021-12-22 09:20
You have seen them as they go down the highway. They are the behemoths of the motorhome and RV industry. They are bus conversion motorhomes. People often associate them with traveling entertainers, politicians and corporations because they are used a lot by those folks. Of all the options for traveling on the open road the bus conversion is by far the most luxurious. But there are disadvantages to consider too. Here is the list of both advantages and disadvantages to consider:


1. Durability. These vehicles are built to last from the ground up. You just can't kill them. They generally outlast any other type of RV made by a long shot.

2. They are easy to handle and drive. Although they are huge vehicles, the suspension has been tuned to make them surprisingly easy to handle as they go down the road.

3. If you are into features and luxury appointments, this the motorhome for you. It's a rolling mansion on wheels.

4. The engines used for bus conversions are very powerful and you should not have any problem with not having enough power to pass other vehicles or tow a vehicle behind. It's comforting to know that when you step on the accelerator the power is there to do what you need.


1. Price. If you think Class A motorhomes can be pricey, you haven't seen anything yet. The most recognized bus conversion companies include Newell, Bluebird and Prevost and their bus conversions can run well into the millions of dollars so they won't be in everyone's price range.

2. Cost of repairs. Although they can be the most durable of RVs, they also can be the most expensive to repair. They also can't be repaired by the local auto repair shop, so you have to be able to get them to a facility that can handle them properly if they need repair. Just buying a bus conversion does not end your investment. Be sure to factor in plenty of money for needed repairs or buy an extended warranty that can put a cap on your repair costs.

3. If major repairs need to be made you will have to stay in a motel during that time as your home will be in the reapir shop.

As you can see the advantages are many and the disadvantages mainly revolve around financial matters. If you have the money to buy one of these fabulous machines, you probably won't be disappointed. But if it will be a stretch for you to buy, you may want to look at a Class A motorhome instead.
This paper presents the results of a qualitative study of public transport users and car users in order to obtain a deeper understanding of travellers’ attitudes towards transport and to explore perceptions of public transport service quality. The key findings indicate that in order to increase public transport usage, the service should be designed in a way that accommodates the levels of service required by customers and by doing so, attract potential users. Furthermore, the choice of transport is influenced by several factors, such as individual characteristics and lifestyle, the type of journey, the perceived service performance of each transport mode and situational variables. This suggests the need for segmentation taking into account travel attitudes and behaviours. Policies which aim to influence car usage should be targeted at the market segments that are most motivated to change and willing to reduce frequency of car use.
Advantages: Circle Line runs around the city fringe and it's free.
You can reach your destinations almost everywhere. And prices are reasonable.
Disadvantages: Circle Line is always full. Most of the other trams are too. Public transport is usually not very much on time. Can be terrible if you have to be somewhere in time.
connex tries its best, but will always have late trains
overall, most suburbs are well serviced with trains and buses
the inner city suburbs have trams
the disadvantages would be transport at night, in terms of safety, cost can be high for a working person who travells daily on $15 a day and some suburbs need transport and just dont have it!
If your talking about trams then it is cheap, fast and reliable! I personally wouldn't suggest anything other than trams or buses. They're all I use to get around. It is also really safe. As far as my experience there is no disadvantage!
Expensive ... although not as expensive as air transport
limit on how much you can transport at a time
limit in terms of distance you cover and time it takes

Poor public transport loses tourists for Sydney
October 23, 2008 - 10:40AM

Sydney is losing visitors to other Australian cities because of its frustrating public transport system, a tourism industry leader says.

Tourism and Transport Forum Australia chairman Bruce Baird said he had witnessed the demise of "brand Sydney" since the city's successful Olympic bid.

"Since that time, there has been somewhat of an erosion of (brand Sydney)," the former federal MP and NSW transport minister told a forum meeting in Sydney today.

"We let things slip and by comparison Melbourne was developing its own events program and was taking events from Sydney. It's time we look at that and also transport links and other aspects which make up brand Sydney.

"Sydney is right up there in terms of our beaches and lifestyle, but there are quite a few areas where they fall short, not the least of which are the transport links."

On a rainy Sydney day, Mr Baird recounted his morning journey from the northern beaches to Darling Harbour, during which he saw several commuters left stranded at Manly wharf because the ferry service was overcrowded.

"This is a city that's becoming increasingly frustrated with its public transport," he said.

A day after Premier Nathan Rees said he would call for expressions of interest to privatise Sydney Ferries, Mr Baird said a "rehabilitation" of the service had the potential to create "a world-class system".

"Now is not the time for governments to shy away from providing public transport infrastructure," he said.

"Brand Sydney is not just about marketing or slogans ... transport is a vital part.

"If we can't move freight, deliver business people from the airport to the city or move around tourists, then that chips away at that brand."

Federal Transport Minister Anthony Albanese told the forum the commonwealth was addressing growing demands on public transport and had established a special unit to examine the issue.

"The first objective of the Major Cities Unit is to improve productivity through action to reduce urban congestion and ensure people and goods move efficiently across our cities," he said.

The key to efficient future city transport was the creation of dedicated thoroughfares for pedestrians and cyclists, and investing in light rail, Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore told the forum.

"The economic and environmental cost of not financing (public transport options) far outweighs the cost of financing these projects," Ms Moore said.

Mr Baird encouraged leaders to address Sydney's public transport downfalls as a priority so it did not fall further behind other cities.

"Our outperformance by cities such as Melbourne is concerning ... we've lost momentum ... and it needs to be addressed," he said.

The forum was meeting as part of the Global Cities 08 Conference, which opens in Sydney tomorrow.
场景你kathy,你室友linda和医生doctor huang,对话如下: k:what's wrong with you,linda?it seems that you are feeling not well. l:yes,i feel pain in my throught and a little bit headache. k:oh,sorry to hear that,why not go to see a doctor? l:i am planning to go,so would you pls go with me? k:sure,let's go. h:what's wrong with you? l:i have a sore throught and headache. h:how long have you been like this? l:from this morning. h:maybe you catch a cold,let me look over you. h:hmm,just catch a cold,take more rest and i'll give you some medicine. k:i help you to take the medicine,you wait for me here,linda. l:thank you,kathy. h:take more rest and take the medicine three times after meal. l:okay,thanks doctor.
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