
维克多·雨果就英法联军远征中国致巴特莱上尉的信 (英文版)

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解决时间 2021-04-28 20:26

Sir, you ask for my advice on China's expedition. Do you think this expedition is decent, outstanding. Thank you for your attention to my idea. In your opinion, queen Victoria and emperor napoleon banner of China's double expedition is Shared by France and Britain, and you want to know, I this victory against the law gives much praise?

If you want to know my opinion, then please read!

In a certain corner of the world, one of the wonders of the world. The miracle that yuanmingyuan. Art has two sources, one is the ideal, ideal produce European art, A fantasy, fantasy is produced the Oriental art. The position in artistic yuanmingyuan BaTeNong as the ideal art in the temple. One is almost superhuman national imagination can produce all the achievements in this. And BaTeNong temple, this is not a rare and unique, This is a big illusion, if the imagined a model. Please imagine a words can't describe the building, building a pass, it is thus yuanmingyuan. Please use the marble, jade, bronze, with a dream, built in China with cedar beams to do it, it is remittent compose full with stones, silks and satins, here cover temple, there to build towers, inside, temple gods, put on animals, decorated with colored glaze, decorated with enamel, with gold, with a poet, please use the architect building 1001 nights of 1001 dream, add a garden, a square pools, one eye fountains, add swarms of swan, ibis and peacock, in short, please assume human fantasy a dazzling, its appearance is DongFu temples and palaces, that is the gardens. In order to create yuanmingyuan, once took two generations of long-term labor. This is a big city building is the crystallization of generations. For who built? To people of all countries. For years, the creation of all belong to humans. Past artists, poets and philosophers all know yuanmingyuan, Voltaire was about yuanmingyuan. People often say: the Greek Parthenon, there are BaTeNong Egypt pyramid, Paris, Rome had chichen itza, but there are Oriental yuanmingyuan Notre Dame cathedral. If say, you have not seen it, but everybody dreamed about it. This is a horror and unknown masterpiece, the ineffable in the morning. Like in the European civilization on the horizon of Asian civilizations glimpsed silhouette.

This miracle has disappeared.

One day, two thieves broke into the yuanmingyuan. A bandit ransacked, another robber arson. After the victory, may seem began to steal. They conducted a large-scale of yuanmingyuan stolen by two winners looters, among them. We see that the whole event and darfur's forehead gold (forehead gold and gold;'s forehead is notorious British colonialists. Small gold served darfur

The British embassy in Canada, 1860 October, by the anglo-french allied forces in one of the foremost yuanmingyuan fire. Old Kim served frieze diplomats in Athens, Greece, destruction of evil BaTeNong temple, and made this temple activities of elegant marble statue. The name, the name and make people can remember BaTeNong temple. How to BaTeNong temple, now to do, but also yuanmingyuan more thoroughly, the more beautiful, that disappeared. We all treasure together the cathedral, maybe not the great eastern palatial museum. Not only is there, and the art treasures of gold and silver products. Dale! Gains great! Two winners, with a purse, this is visible, another full Qie box. They walked hand in hand and smiled back to Europe. This is the story of two thieves.

We Chinese people are Christian Europe is in our eyes, the barbarians. This is the civilization of savage had done. Will the two robbers historical sanctions, one that France, another call English. However, I want to protest, thank you gave me such a chance of protest. The people who is not put in the crime of the fault, The government will sometimes robbers, and people will never be the robber.

French empire swallowed the victory, today, half of the stolen goods empire incredibly still naively believing yourself is true owner, the yuanmingyuan palatial junk for display. I hope one day, the liberation of France will take this as booty returned to China by plunder.

Now, I once confirmed, theft, two thieves.

Sir, my all of China for expedition.

Victor Hugo

先生,您征求我对远征中国的意见。您认为这次远征是体面的,出色的。多谢您对我的想法予以重视。在您看来,打着维多利亚女王和拿破仑皇帝双重旗号对中国的远征,是由法国和英国共同分享的光荣,而您想知道,我对英法的这个胜利会给予多少赞誉?       既然您想了解我的看法,那就请往下读吧:       在地球上某个角落,曾经有一个世界奇迹。它的名字叫圆明园。艺术有两个来源,一是理想,理想产生欧洲艺术;一是幻想,幻想产生东方艺术。圆明园在幻想艺术中的地位就如同巴特农神庙在理想艺术中的地位。它汇集了一个民族几乎是超人类的想象力所创作的全部成果。和巴特农神庙不一样,这不是一件稀有的、独一无二的作品;这是幻想的某种规模巨大的典范,如果幻想能有一个典范的话。你可以去想象一个你无法用语言描绘的的仙境般的建筑,某种恍若月宫的建筑,那就是圆明园。请您用大理石,汉白玉,青铜和瓷器建造一个梦,用雪松做屋架,给它上上下下缀满宝石,披上绸缎,这儿盖神殿,那儿建后宫,造城楼,里面放上神像,放上异兽,饰以琉璃,饰以珐琅,饰以黄金,施以脂粉,请诗人出身的建筑师建造一千零一夜的一千零一个梦,再添上一座座花园,一方方水池,一眼眼喷泉,加上成群的天鹅、朱鹭和孔雀,总而言之,请您想象一个人类幻象中的仙境,其外貌是神庙、是宫殿,那就是这座名园。为了创建圆明园,曾经耗费了两代人的长期劳动。这座大得犹如一座城市的建筑物是世世代代的结晶。为谁而建?为了各国人民。因为,岁月创造的一切都是属于人类的。过去的艺术家、诗人、哲学家都知道圆明园;伏尔泰就谈起过圆明园。人们常说:希腊有巴特农神庙,埃及有金字塔,罗马有斗兽场,巴黎有圣母院,而东方有圆明园。要是说,大家没有看见过它,但大家梦见过它。这是一个震撼人心的尚不为人熟知的杰作,在不可名状的晨曦中依稀可见,宛如在黄昏中从欧洲文明的地平线上看到的亚洲文明的倩影。       这个奇迹已经不复存在了。       一天,两个强盗闯进了圆明园。一个强盗洗劫,另一个强盗放火。似乎得胜之后,便可以动手行窃了。他们对圆明园进行了大规模的劫掠,赃物由两个胜利者均分。我们看到,这整个事件还与额尔金的名字有关,这名字又使人不能不忆起巴特农神庙。从前对巴特农神庙怎么干,现在对圆明园也怎么干,只是更彻底,更漂亮,以至于荡然无存。我们所有教堂的所有珍品加在一起,也抵不上东方这座神奇无比,光彩夺目的东方博物馆。那儿不仅仅有艺术珍品,而且还有数不胜数的金银财宝。多么伟大的功绩!多么丰硕的意外横财!两个胜利者,一个塞满了腰包,这是看得见的,另一个装满了箱箧。他们手挽手,笑嘻嘻地回到欧洲。这就是这两个强盗的故事。       我们欧洲人是文明人,中国人在我们眼中是野蛮人。这就是文明对野蛮所干的事情。在历史面前,这两个强盗,一个叫法兰西,另一个叫英格兰。不过,我要抗议,感谢您给了我这样一个抗议的机会。治人者的罪行不是治于人者的过错;**有时会是强盗,而人民永远也不会是强盗。       法兰西帝国吞下了这次胜利的一半赃物,今天,帝国居然还天真地以为自己就是真正的物主,把圆明园富丽堂皇的破烂拿来展出。我希望有朝一日,解放了的干干净净的法兰西会把这份战利品归还给被掠夺的中国。       现在,我证实,发生了一次偷窃,有两名强盗。       先生,以上就是我对远征中国的全部赞誉。       维克多·雨果      1861年11月25日于高城居
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