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解决时间 2021-12-22 02:37
See adjoingood legal eighteen volumes. Sangha translatedXiao Qi. Also known as "totally see both good salad," "good, see Law," "good, see On," "Great salad totally." Land in the the twenty-fourth book. Notes of Ceylon by the Department of Communication of legal possession of books. According to the "Sambo history records" contained in, Sanzo Mage (or feel the sound) take legal possession to Guangzhou, the Pro will be left to pay the Sangha and disciples, Sun six years (488), Sangha跋Tuo Luo Yi and S. Monk (or vice versa Yi) were translated inGuangzhou. That is the heritage of the whole book.

  In the book there is the beginning of King engine, sub-sequence for the addition, after the account of the Buddha three times to eliminate clustering, send Ashoka evangelist, Mahinda to Ceylon to preach, etc.; followed by sub , "bhiksuni ring>," Tuo Qian Galerkin>, "Dade Sariputta legal questionsewage produced> 4, to the Notes. There is, "Ring Picchu>of the separation of four, twelve Sangha body po sand, two volatile Societythirty, ninety, cernilton, study, and seven out public Zheng such as some, but only four wereNotes, both thirteen body Sangha sand, no more than two-third of uncertainty. At , the Notesmonks and little residual points, but other parts of the Notes. degree that is, sub-ordained, busa, homes,, clothing, medicine and other poly thirteen explained. listed the number of crime related to a total of 31 questions and answers, to explain them one by one.

  See adjoin good law 【】

  Kimberley were Samantapa ^ sa ^ dika ^. Where eighteen volumes. Sangha translatedSouthern Qi. See also known as good theory, both adjoin salad.list at 24th. Theravada this book for five of the Department of Law, comments by Ceylon Dennosuke Theravada Tibetan law.described in Volume I to the first, second, a collection of three classic and legal possession of the Chuan-holders and Ashoka's son Mahinda to teach things tin Lamb. Notes of a quarter of the following majorlaw, sub-bhiksu quit, quit bhiksuni, Qian Jia Tuo, Dade Sariputta legal questionproducts such as sewage 4.

  The book Communication with the South Barre see this all the good law (Samantapa ^ sa ^ dika ^, that is, possession of Barre law book of the Notes, the Department de Friday the beginning of the century, the sound of Buddhist practitioners from the division in Ceylon), mutatis mutandis, the a lot of inconsistencies, it is not appropriate to directly Barre see this all the good law as the original book, but can determine the Kimberley this book is based on the law from all good see, over the copy for the translation of the Kimberley. Also remember from the book of 90 havelaw, study law in the public mind that the pagoda also by-laws provisions, the Department shows that the effect of law by a quarter of the increase were. Or is the book notes that a quarter of the legal person. However, the statement notes the book often does not correspond to a quarter of law, it also scholars who hold opposing views.

  According to ancient recordsSambo upload, Sanzo Mage (or audio means Buddha) has legal possession of portability to Guangzhou, the fees payable to his disciplesSangha, Sun six years (488), monk Sangha Yi跋with Salmonella were translated in. Yes that is the interpretation of the whole book. Sanghathe book and that in order to provide for legal possession of flowers, and under the point-point (Table one), a total of at 5:00 on the September 7, the so-called "public santa point in mind," said. In addition, the Kimberley see this all the good law is thirteen years in Japan (1924), the by Junjiro Takakusu, Makoto Nagai publication edited together. Barre has itof the Sa ^ ratthadi ^ pani-t! I ^ ka ^. (Volume II of Sanzo mind set,, France, as recorded, Kaiyuan recordedBuddhism, the Tibetanheadings magic weapon, magic weapon Yuan survey recorded with the total, voloutline, the fundamental Buddhist Texts no research (Makoto Nagai)) p4880

  Pali equivalent of the book "all good, see Legal Note," Comparison of the two, this book is a translation section, "All good, see the Legal Note," by. The article can also be found by the self, "a quarter of a legal" impact, such as contained in this book has ninetyAct (the Kimberley has 92) that is subject to "a quarter of law" effects. Barre of the "all good, see Legal Note," in de Friday the beginning of the century, the sound sleep (Buddhaghosa), written in Ceylon for the Kimberley "legal possession" of the Notes. Japan is thirteen years (1924), the once high-nan Junjiro, Makoto Nagai publication edited together. And about the book and the comparison between Barre, Junjiro Takakusu in 1896 than have to do research right, then, Makoto Nagai-depth study also published works on.