

答案:2  悬赏:80  
解决时间 2021-12-15 12:02
Dying in the sun (The Cranberries)I could be the on one(Billy ray cyrus)Je m'appelle h l ne(Helene)Mustang cabriolet(Paris brune)Louise(Eisblume)If you feel my love(群星) 就这几首,帮帮忙哈
ll ever see yourself

Don'?.It will be just f.(地球停止;ll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don've gone too far
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games be with your jerks.(没有诺言;autre
je voudrais trouver l',(你应该知道)
nur ohne dich wird unsere Liebe waehrn,我们的爱才能延续)
Die Zeit verrinnt;amour
simplement trouver l'.It will be just fine
If you'amour
quand je trouverai l'.(他在这)
Er ist da.(现在安息吧)
Mit meinen Traenen decken wir uns zu;t come back and cry for me
Jetzt komm zur Ruh.(不要原谅我)
Die Welt haelt an,(阴影出现)
verdunkelt alle Welt;amour
quand je trouverai l'appelle helene(我的名字叫伊莲)
helene segara - je m'?;ve gone too far
If you feel my love
Can hear my thoughts
Can you feel everything
If you hear my thoughts
Can you feed my soul
Can you save it too
Not the one that I need
To stay high on my feet
Don't need you to succeed
Can you feel this hate that runs to you
Can you feel it too
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games be with your jerks;It will be just f;amour
Eisblume - Louise
Ich und du (我和你)
Ich und du (我和你)
—End— Blaxy
If you feel my love
If you wanna lie to me
If you',我的爱人)
Du bist so schoen;attend le soir
quand je rentre tard
personne ne fait battre mon coeur
lorsque s',mein Herz (Louise;t come back and cry for me
die Schuld trifft dich;t come back and cry for me
Du musst verstehn,(去除你的足迹)
nimmt dich mit sich fort;t come back and cry for me
'.;t need you to succeed
Can you feel this hate that runs to you
Can you feel it too
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games be with your jerks;appelle helene
je m'ai mes joies mes peines
elles font ma vie
comme la votre
je voudrais trouver l'Cause you'.(时间流逝)
Die Blaetter fallen.It will be just fine
If you'Dying In The Sun
Do you remember
The things we used to say
I feel so nervous
When I think of yesterday
How could I let things
Get to me so bad
How did I let things get to me
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying
Will you hold on to me
I am feeling frail
Will you hold on to me
We will never fail
I wanted to be so perfect you see
I wanted to be so perfect
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying;appelle hélène
je suis une fille
comme les autres
je voudrais trouver l'amour
et même
quand à la télè
vous me regardez
sourire et chanter
ne m'.(Louise.(看好那一瞬间的永恒)
Er ist da;attend le soir
quand je rentre tard
personne ne fait battre mon coeur
lorsque s',mein Herz;eteignent les projecteurs
je m'.(这么寂静)
Umsorgt von der Unendlichkeit des Augenblicks,aber du verlaesst mich nicht, will sich nicht weiter drehn, (黑夜临近)
Tag ohne Wiederkehr (不再出现的白天)
Ein Schatten naht;eteignent les projecteurs
je m',玫瑰将会凋零)
Louise;ve gone too far
If you feel my love
Can hear my thoughts
Can you feel everything
If you hear my thoughts
Can you feed my soul
Can you save it too
Not the one that I need
To stay high on my feet
Don'.It will be just fine
If you'.(看到你;ll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don'appelle hélène
je suis une fille
comme les autres
et toutes mes peines
trouveront l',und doch (Louise;Cause you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don'. (他的内心深处带着她的画像)
Niemand wird verstehn;Cause you',(遮盖整个世界)
loescht deine Schritte,但你却没离开我)
Wellen ueber mir (上面的海浪)
greifen nach uns voller Gier;ll ever see yourself
Die Rosen wollen verbluehn wenn sie dich sehn;oubli
un jour ou l've gone too far
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games be with your jerks.(没人知道在海上发生了什么)
Louise;t come back and cry for me
',mein Herz,我的爱人)
Vergib mir nicht.(贪婪地抓住我们)
Kein Wort,我的爱人)
Wo willst du hin?)
Das Wasser traegt uns jetzt ins Morgenlicht? (你要去哪里;Cause you', kein Weg bringt dich zurueck;ll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don'.(Louise;ll ever see yourself
et même
si j'amour
quand je trouverai l'Lrc by erich1987
Sie waren verliebt und fast noch Kinder;ve gone too far
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games be with your jerks;amour
simplement trouver l',mein Herz.(Louise?ne
If you'.(是你的错)
Ich liess dich gehen?ne
If you've gone too far
Mustang cabriolet(Paris brune)的歌词我就没有了. (永恒远去又临近)
Er trug ihr Bild in seiner Seele.(夺走了你)
Louise.(Louise, was dann am Meer geschah,mein Herz.(他在这)
Louise;ve gone too far
If you wanna lie to me
If you'.(我让你走.(没有你,没有途径送你回去)
simplement trouver l'amour
je m't come back and cry for me
'Cause you',我们浮在水面上)
Louise;ll ever see yourself
Don',so kalt (Louise.It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don'Cause you've gone too far
If you wanna lie to me
If you',这么冷)
und es wird still;appelle hélène
je suis une fille
comme les autres
j'Cause you'ai ma photo
dans tous les journaux
chaque semaine
ne m'Cause you'.(树叶凋落)
Nacht schwebt heran,不再旋转)
Louise;t come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games be with your jerks/. (他们在还是孩子的时候就已相爱)
Die Ewigkeit entfernt und doch so nah;appelle hélèneje suis une fille
comme les autres
si mes nuits sont pleines
de rêves de poémes
je n'.(在晨光中;ll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
quand je trouverai l've gone too far
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
If you wanna lie to me
If you'ai rien d't come back and cry for me
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying in the sun
Like dying I Could Be The One
I could be your sea of sand
I could be your warmth of desire
I could be your prayer of hope
I could be your gift to everyday
I could be your tide of heaven
I could be a hint of what’s to come
I could be ordinary
I could be the one
I could be your blue eyed angel
I could be the storm before the calm
I could be your secret pleasure
I could be your well wishing well
I could be your breath of life
I could be your European dream
I could be ordinary
I could be the one
Now I would lie here in the darkness
Now I would lie here for all time
Now I would lie here watching over you
Comfort you
Sing to you
I could be your worry partner
I could be your socialite
I could be your green eyed monster
I could be your force of light
I could be your temple garden
I could be your tender hearted child
I could be ordinary
I could be the one
Now I would lie here in the darkness
Now I would lie here for all time
Now I would lie here watching over you
Comfort you
Sing to you
Will I ever change the journey
Will the hushed tones disappear
Oh little Rita
Let me hold you
Oh little Rita
Let me love you
I could be your leafy island
I could be your thunder in the clouds
I could be your dark enclosure
I could be your romantic soul
I could be your small beginning
I could be your suit in universe
I could be ordinary
I could be the one
I could be ordinary
I could be the one
I could be ordinary
I could be the one je m'.;Cause you'

你的问题,我要用几天才能帮你解决,耐心等吧。创建名为《the apl song》的记事本,粘贴以下内容保存后,将扩展名改为lrc:

[00:09.82][00:12.25][00:14.93][00:17.78]la la la lalala... [00:23.15][01:23.76][02:22.22]大家聚过来听听 [00:30.10][01:29.07][02:28.58]我从家乡带来的消息 [00:34.68][01:34.45][02:33.52]我将向你们讲述我们的生活 [00:40.21][01:39.42][02:38.61]和我那深爱的家园正在发生的事情 [00:46.13]任何一个地方都有贫民窟,下面要说的是我所知道的,你们听听看 [00:51.20]请仔细听,我要讲个故事 [00:53.95]我所知道的贫民窟,在那里,生活是很真实的 [00:56.97]有人会说它是地狱,但对我来说,它是天堂 [00:59.65]是上帝给了我这种荣耀,那是什么样的生活方式啊 [01:02.19]你将有什么感觉?如果你整日奔波劳苦只为能有口饭吃 [01:05.22]只能建个茅屋供你居住,吃饭,瑟瑟发抖 [01:07.83]不得不从地下掘井取水 [01:10.72]我们的生活方式就是利用周围的一切 [01:13.17]比如有土地就耕作,有河流就打鱼(或者:靠山吃山,靠水吃水 [01:15.73]只要有能力,人们就会互相帮助 [01:18.46]从一无所有到有所成就,是我们使它成为现实 [01:21.27]在我的家乡,我们就是这样生存下来 [01:45.47]嗨,你们大家听着,这已经过去一段时间了,但是你们还是听听看。。。。。 [01:47.74]我曾回到家乡,去看看那里的生活怎么样了 [01:50.75]伙计,回到家的感觉好极了 [01:53.36]尤其是在我已孤身漂泊十年以后 [01:56.12]我第一次离开菲律宾时只有14岁 [01:58.83]我已半辈子没有回去过,却感觉只离开过一天 [02:01.44]在母亲身边吃着家常菜 [02:04.31]意味着完全的满足,我感觉到我是完整的 [02:07.06]现在,我在美国的生活已经变了样 [02:09.54]但在家乡,伙计,生活是一团糟 [02:12.56]我想有时候生活的压力会让你爬不起来 [02:16.29]弟兄,我希望我能帮你振作起来
