

答案:2  悬赏:0  
解决时间 2021-02-26 14:04
by contrast, the hero of the chinese classical tragedy in tragedy conflict often in a passive position, let fate or at the mercy of the forces of evil. doue her mother's death at age 3, 7 years old to be the husband's family belongings child bride, cai 17 years old married, less than two years and husband dead widowhood. she not only suffer from ground pi rogue powers, and was eventually rulers are killed. her life is something people miserable true portraiture. is the role of tragedy for internal conflict, doue also lack the deep, rich to hamlet contradiction complex inner conflict. her mind world almost no rational flash, almost no left blunt right sudden, the contradiction of the thrilling fight. although she sighed: "paranoia worry, several years idle, heaven knows what? day if i know his case, afraid of not stay and day thin," but always own misfortune comes down to his fate. in fact, she is put their own lives to the confucian ethics. in order to make her mother-in-law from beaten, easily give up of his own life, "stay with live, hugh, let me play my mother-in-law recruited." " she didn't like as hamlet, send out "to be or not to be" exclamation, no around the living and the dead, and then consider life confused individual survival situation. she just don't want to let the mother-in-law suffer because of her, filial piety. filial piety as the core of the feudal social ethics. early in the spring and autumn and the warring states era, in respect for the respect old aspects could have formed relatively complete thought system, ethics and morality and the basic standard. as chinese traditional filial piety the moral concept of confucius, the confucianism of the play, and the promotion of the emperors, is really deep people's heart, and it is hard to shake. therefore, in doue deeply rooted in the heart of the already filial ideology prompted her to her mother-in-law's life and death can sacrifice his own safety. this shows, the western tragedy conflict is the uniform of the people and not the alien force opposition and conflict. and chinese classical tragedy often is good and evil, loyalty and betrayal, oppression and the oppressed bright contrast constitute a conflict. 4, different sad ending chinese and western the catastrophe of a tragedy also have very big difference. western tragic end is a hero with the life to fight. bielinsiji think, hero in the end must die, "without the sacrifice or death, she is a hero, cannot to yourself for the price of the eternal forces, realize ontology to meet the world's insurmountable survival law." (bielinsiji, page 443) hamlet in at the end of a tragedy is such, his last effort by the hands of the poison sword hit claudius, and he himself also poison hair and died. "to be or not to be" must choose the time, hamlet choose your own life to prove in the struggle and the important significance of thoroughness. he died tragically heroic, his enemies, and into nothingness. through this devastating struggle, make people believe that "man is how great a piece of works!!!!!!!!!! how noble is rational power is how of infinite! instruments and manners are the whole, how how well the theory, how like action!!!!!!!!!! the angel of understanding how like god, of the cosmic china!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the soul of the universe" chinese traditional tragedy exquisite business before pleasure, the sunshine, so end is often "ending". mr. zhu guangqin once pointed out: "literally turn over a play, no matter how the main character in a tragic situation, even while you can rest assured, and the end, must be happy." (zhu guangqin, page 545) the doue cause "end" happy "is a kind of external forces with to realize. doue be innocent dying killed her off three piles, the three affirmation pile is nature's affirmation an abnormal phenomenon, but because of the crushing of the doue in tragedy have either realize, let the person "happy".
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