
跪求 希腊神话十二主神的英文资料 急~~~

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The twelve gods of Olympus.

The Twelve Olympians, also known as the Dodekatheon (Greek: δωδεκα, dodeka, "twelve" + θεον, theon, "of the gods"), in Greek religion, were the principal gods of the Greek pantheon, residing atop Mount Olympus. There were, at various times, seventeen different gods recognized as Olympians, though never more than twelve at one time.

Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, and Artemis are always considered Olympians. Hebe, Helios, Hestia, Demeter, Dionysus, Hades, and Persephone are the variable gods among the Twelve. Hestia gave up her position as an Olympian to Dionysus in order to live among mankind (eventually she was assigned the role of tending the fire on Mount Olympus); while he sometimes would not accept the offer of being an Olympian god. Persephone spent six months of the year in the underworld (causing winter), and was allowed to return to Mount Olympus for the other six months in order to be with her mother, Demeter; who, during this time, would be in woe and not be with the Olympians. And, although Hades was always one of the principal Greek gods, his home in the underworld of the dead made his connection to the Olympians more tenuous. In some accounts, Helios gave up his seat for Apollo. In even rarer, but definate accounts, Hebe, the gods' cupbearer was an Olympian herself, and gave it up to marry Heracles.

The Olympians gained their supremacy in the world of gods after Zeus led his siblings to victory in war with the Titans; Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, and Hades were siblings; all other Olympians are usually considered the children of Zeus by various mothers, except for Athena, who in some versions of the myth was born of Zeus alone. Additionally, some versions of the myth state that Hephaestus was born of Hera alone as Hera's revenge for Zeus' solo birth of Athena.

* Zeus is the highest ranking and most powerful god, the ruler of Mount Olympus, god of weather.
* Poseidon, together with Hades is one of the two next most senior gods, god of the oceans.
* Hades is the second of the next most senior gods, god of death and the Underworld.
* Athena is the goddess of wisdom, the arts, inner beauty, education and war.
* Ares is the god of war and heroes.
* Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, animals, fertility and chastity.
* Hephaestus is the god of fire, workmanship, artisans and weaponry.
* Apollo is the god of light, dance, music, healing and medicine, archery and reason. Apollo's relationships are always flawed.
* Hermes is the god of guidance, travelers, shepherds, consolation and reunions, and messenger of the Gods.
* Aphrodite is the goddess of love, sexuality, outer beauty and attraction.
* Hera is the consort of Zeus, and the goddess of marriage, sacrifices and fidelity.
* Hestia is the goddess of the home, family and the hearth.
* Demeter is the goddess of the earth, flowers and plants, food, preservation of marriage and agriculture.
* Dionysus is the youngest god of the pantheon, and is the god of theater, intoxication, wine and sexuality.
* Helios is the god of the sun, brother of the moon, Selene, and the dawn Eos.
* Persephone is the goddess of the Underworld, death, the harvest, and flowers.
* Hebe is the goddess of youth and servants.


* Artemis is often associated in modern times with the moon, though Selene was originally the moon goddess. The assimilation of Selene as a part of Artemis took place during the 5th century BC.
* Apollo is often associated in modern times with the sun, though Helios was originally the sun god. The assimilation of Helios as a part of Apollo took place during the 5th century BC.
奥林匹斯十二主神是古代希腊神话传统崇拜的诸神中的主要神只。这些神只以宙斯为中心,居住在奥林匹斯山上。这些神只中有十二位神,相对其他神只更为重要,被称为奥林帕斯十二主神。不过,由于不同时期有不同的神被列入十二主神之内,实际上享有这荣誉的神有14位。 奥林匹斯十二主神的故事早在公元前6世纪就开始创作。而在这十二位主神里,有十位一定会出现,他们分别为:宙斯、赫拉、波塞冬、阿瑞斯、赫耳墨斯、赫斐斯托斯、阿佛洛狄忒、雅典娜、阿波罗及阿忒弥斯。赫斯提亚本来是十二主神之一,但为了与凡人一起生活,她把她的主神位置让了给狄俄尼索斯;德米特尔有半年的时间为了要与她在冥界的女儿珀尔塞福涅一起生活,会把她的主神位置让给冥王哈底斯。 奥林匹斯主神之所以赢得诸神间的超然地位,在于宙斯与他的兄弟姊妹合力战胜了泰坦巨神一族。在十二主神中,宙斯与他的兄弟姊妹:赫拉、波塞冬、德米特尔、赫斯提亚及哈底斯六位占了差不多一半的位置;而其余的主神大多数是宙斯与其他女神所生的子女,当中从宙斯脑袋里生长的雅典娜及赫拉独自生产的赫斐斯托斯除外,但也是他们二人的子女。 十二主神 宙斯(Zeus):克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子;掌管天界,是第三任神王;以贪花好色著名。 赫拉(Hera):宙斯的姐姐和夫人,美丽的天后;婚姻的保护神,尤其是已婚的女人的保护者。 波塞冬(Poseidon):宙斯的兄弟;掌管大海;脾气暴躁,贪婪。 哈得斯(Hades):宙斯的兄弟;掌管冥府,同时也是财富之神;有一顶可以隐身的帽子;残忍,可怕,但很守信。 德墨忒耳(Demeter):克洛诺斯和瑞亚之女,宙斯的姐姐;农业女神。 阿瑞斯(Ares):宙斯与赫拉之子;战争之神;粗暴而嗜血,但并非真正的勇士。 雅典娜(Athena):宙斯与美狄丝结合的产物;智慧女神和女战神;她是智慧,理智和纯洁的化身。 阿波罗(Apollo):宙斯和勒托之子,和阿耳忒弥斯是双生兄妹;太阳神;全名为福玻斯·阿波罗(PhoebusApollo)。 阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite):爱,美和欲望之神;从海中的泡沫中生出。 赫尔墨斯(Hermes):宙斯和迈亚之子;众神中最快者;盗窃者的守护神,商业之神,黄泉的引导者。 阿耳忒弥斯(Artemis):宙斯和勒托之女,与阿波罗是双生兄妹;美丽的女猎神和月神,青年人的保护神。 赫淮斯托斯(Hephaestus):宙斯与赫拉之子,神中唯一丑陋者,但老婆却是爱与美之神阿佛洛狄忒;火和锻造之神,为众神制造武器和铠甲;铁匠和织布工的保护神。 不好意思我已经尽力了,实在找不到英文的
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