
英语作文《My grandpa》

答案:6  悬赏:40  
解决时间 2021-02-13 23:59
英语作文《My grandpa》
My grandpa,an old man under his 86,was a solider,he usually gets up early in the morning,then go for a walk,after lunch,he often play chess with his friends,they are all very happy .at 7 o'clock he usually watch TV ,then my grandpa tells me some stories before i go to bed.i love my grandpa.
Don't throw that plastic box away! It can be used to hold some tiny gadgets." "But we have already saved a lot!" "Give it to me. One day eventually U 11 find a suitable place for it!" More than once my grandpa stops me when I endeavor to discard some pieces of "junk" stealthily, and more than once his "eloquence"makes me give in and involuntarily put the "junk" in its "suitable place. " This is my grandpa, an old man who has experienced the sufferings of the bygones. Years of thrifty life has helped him develop a habit of preserving everything, everything he thinks is useful. He tries to fit them into some places. Surprisingly, these "junk" can always find their position and function fairly well,holding small things, bolstering a wooden structure on which plants can grow, optimizing my bicycle so that it can operate better... But sometimes, some of these things are nasty. Grandpa also collects used clothes and socks. I seldom see him wearing new ones unless on an unusual occasion. When he is given some fashionable apparel, he will lay them in lethargy. And grandma is always arguing with him on this issue. In the meantime, he will present sets of adages of thrift to show her the importance of a provident life. Old people tend to retrospect. In the past century, China was ravaged a great deal. The older generation just could not forget about the arduous life they led at that time. What they were accustomed to can always find its way in today's life they are leading. The X generation of us must neither blame nor laugh at them.
我的爷爷已经70岁了,他一天的生活很规律,早晨6点他起床,然后刷牙洗脸,吃早餐,中午午睡一会,下午去散一会步,然后吃完晚饭,晚上听听广播 My grandfather is 70 years old, he one day life is very regular, at 6 in the morning he got up, and then wash a face to brush your teeth, eat breakfast, noon nap, for a little walk at night, then after dinner, listen to the radio
Ma grandpa is 72 years old,he lives in China .He has two big eyes , a tall nose and a big mouth .He is kind.ln the morning ,he usually walks in the garden. He likes reading books in the afternoon.I love he very much.
My Grandpa Since I had become an adult, I have always wondered that if my grandpa is the oddest man in the world. Before my college, I never had this feeling, but I have always heard the news about my grandpa. However, my worries often follow the news.  He is a rather short man and also a hunchback. He has short hairs, never longer than 3 centimeters. As long as his is more than his standard, he must climb out and rush into a barbershop to get his white fallen. His eyebrow is ordinary but eyes are not. With slanted eyes, squinting is what he always does. No smiling is more rigid than his because of his fleshless face. He usually wears what that Chinese old people are inclined to wear. That is normal. However, the way he walks is much stranger than others’. Bending his back, and crossing the hands on, he wanders at will. My father hired maids for him. To our surprise, after several days he dismissed the without any reason. Last year, my grandma died, leaving my grandpa alone. Things came to be a problem. How could we find a maid who was suitable for him. He used to live in a hospital where nurses complained that he was so demanding that sometimes he wanted the window to be open and sometimes closed. On hearing that, we didn’t know what to say and what he was thinking about. Within only 3 months, we had hired 7 maids one after another but he dismissed one after one. He was satisfied with on one. I realized why until I came back from my school last month. When I saw him, he was on other side of the road, bending as usual, skinny as if he wore little, not noticing my coming near. A travel-stained old man stood just a few steps before me but he could not hear me. He recognized me in the end, and started his shrewd speech. He was such a talkative man that no one was willing to start conversation with him. Much as he said, I could not agree at all. But I said nothing because the more I disagreed, the more he would pursue. He would talk about his collections, his spending all his money on lottery tickets and some other trifles. When I was going to leave, he complained that he would hire an another maid because he was not pleased with present for she didn’t attend my grandma’s grave cleaning but it was not her business.
my 73-year-old grandfather, he lived in brocade. beard a little longer, he was very thin, half of all white hair, dark skin. yesterday, my mother received a phone call, the phone that my grandfather had collapsed in the dry fields. grandfather is sun drying for a long time, the results of sun halo. since receiving the phone after the mother's phone rang constantly, all the things my grandfather dizzy. dinner when i see my mother's eyes were red, i guess my mother was anxious cry about it. the next day, my mother went very early to brocade grandfather, when my grandfather was brocade hospital transfusion, my grandfather had just finished entering the liquid, and soon had a handlebar grandfather to luzhou medical college. grandfather, mother to do inpatient admission, the results fell a. i accompanied her to go through, now, my grandfather is the infusion.
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