

答案:2  悬赏:60  
解决时间 2021-11-06 23:07
After Oceanic Air flight 815 tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a Pacific island, its survivors were forced to find inner strength they never knew they had in order to survive. But they discovered that the island holds many secrets, including a mysterious smoke monster, polar bears, a strange French woman and another group of island residents known as "The Others." The survivors have also found signs of those who came to the island before them, including a 19th century sailing ship called The Black Rock, the remains of an ancient statue, as well as bunkers belonging to the Dharma Initiative -- a group of scientific researchers who inhabited the island in the recent past.

As the second part of Season Three opens, Jack seems to have gained the upper hand, as Ben's life literally rests in his hands. His demands are simple -- release Kate and Sawyer as prisoners of "The Others," let them safely return to the island and he'll stay behind. But does Jack have a hidden agenda? Kate finally made her romantic decision between Jack and Sawyer by choosing the smitten con man -- but were her feelings for him genuine? Juliet -- one of "The Others" -- makes a shocking decision that could endanger her standing with her people. After the death of Eko, Locke's obsession to uncover the secrets of the island leads Sayid to believe that his intentions may not be in the best interests of his fellow survivors. Sun and Jin will continue to celebrate their pregnancy -- but is the child really Jin's?

Just as Charlie returns into the good graces of Claire and her baby, Aaron, Desmond drops a bombshell on him that could change the course of his life forever. After the hatch imploded and the electromagnetic charge was expelled, questions arise as to what effects it had on the island -- as well as the outside world. Will Penny Widmore find the island and her long, lost love, Desmond, and can the survivors find a way to interact with the outside world?

The band of friends, family, enemies and strangers must continue to work together against the cruel weather and harsh terrain if they want to stay alive. But as they have discovered during their 70-plus days on the island, danger and mystery loom behind every corner, and those they thought could be trusted may turn against them. Even heroes have secrets.

"Lost" stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, Emilie de Ravin as Claire, Michael Emerson as Ben, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet, Dominic Monaghan as Charlie and Terry O'Quinn as Locke.
john milton, a poet and political commenter of the english bourgeois revolution, is the most sublime and most lonely figure in english literature, whose importance is acknowledged all over the world. he is the last rearguard of the renaissance and the primary promoter of enlightenment. the love of every form of human culture and the steadfast devotion to duty as the highest object in human life have shaped his entire career. of all his great works, paradise lost is the most complicated and most profound one, which wins him endless honor. it is indeed the only generally recognized epic in english literature since beowulf and a heroic poem in renaissance style. it deals with revolt from god, with sin and fall, and with the possible salvation. it presents the author’s views in an allegoric religious form, and readers will easily discern its basic idea—exposure of the ways of satan and justification of the ways of god to men. it is the reflection of the reactionary forces of milton’s time and the passionate appeal for freedom. as the main character of paradise lost, satan is definitely impressive and powerful, whose ambivalence catches all critics’ eyes and leads to centuries’ disputes. those commenters can be classified into three groups. the first group mainly consists of revolutionists. they traditionally read this epic with strong political inclination, putting satan at the place of protagonist and considering him a symbol of revolution, which must be influenced greatly by those western romantic poets such as william blake and percy b. shelley (fowler 45). they are generally called pro-satanists. short comment on satan in paradise lost since apollo’s divine word “to understand yourself”, the western literature has been always fulfilling such pursuit and being in continuous self-questioning. like puluomixius’ rejection to divinity, 亚哈’s to nature, satan’s fighting against god also ended up with failure. they are showing people with the limitation of mankind, reminding people o... “paradise lost” is minton’s masterpiece .it is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank verse. the story were taken from the old testament: the creation of the earth and adam and eve, the fallen angels in hell plotting against god, satan’s temptation of eve, and the departure of adam and eve from eden .satan and his followers are banished from heaven and driven into hell, but even here in hell, mist flames and poisonous fumes, satan and his adherents are not discouraged. the poem ,as we are told at the outset, was “to justify the ways of god to man”,ie to advocate submission to the almighty. the epic shows the writer’s misery after the restoration, and his determination for revolution. the style of the epic is grand, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study. 可能有点多了