
friends are the source of happiness为题写一篇80字左右的英语短文,

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解决时间 2021-03-15 02:09
friends are the source of happiness为题写一篇80字左右的英语短文,
Friends Are the Source of Happiness
We all have friends and they are the source of happiness.When we have something happy to do,we invite our friends to come.We eat ,talk and laugh Our friends' joining add to our fun.We are glad to have our friends around.On the other hand,when we come across something unhappy,our friends come to help.They give us a hand without hesitation.They give us calm,as well as encouragement.Then bit by bit our sadness goes away as happiness comes over.We can't help saying that there is nothing more important than friends,for they are the always the source of our happiness.

Last July, my best friend Chen moved to South Africa. I began to write to her. Ever since then, I became [have become](1)fond of writing letters. I wrote and wrote, never feeling tired of writing, not only to Chen but to other friends as well. During the summer holidays, I was just like a hungry girl, eating [consuming] (2) a large amount of paper and plenty of envelopes by writing letters.   I don't know why I am so fascinated (被……所吸引) with letters. I just enjoy the feeling of sharing my life with others. But the most boring thing is waiting for replies. “What will she feel after reading my letters? I often ask myself. Fortunately, my pen pals (笔友) have the same idea as mine, for they always reply [answer] (3) my letters as soon as possible.   The more letters I have written, the more important I find communication is. A person can't live in isolation (孤立状态) , can he? In letters, I can “see” people; I can get to know what he is thinking about; what's his trouble and what he needs. Each letter gives you a new feeling, for different people write just in different ways. That's what I call a magic (魅力) .   Maybe you are eager to know how I write a letter. It couldn't be easier: just pick up a pen and put your thoughts or feelings to words. That's it! In this way, you'll find the world smaller, and you'll find your friends closer to you.   I've written various kinds of letters, some in Chinese, some in English; some of them are just for greeting, some of them are for sharing (4)。 Though it's easy to keep in touch with friends in our modern world by telephone, I still find the ancient way of communication —— writing letters more enjoyable.   I remember someone once said, “Pen is a special tool; with the help of it you can create wonders. ” I think it [ it is ] ( 5 ) right.   Oh, my great piles of letters are the source, the endless fountain (源泉) of my happiness.
Last July, my best friend Chen moved to South Africa. I began to write to her. Ever since then, I became [have become](1)fond of writing letters. I wrote and wrote, never feeling tired of writing, not only to Chen but to other friends as well. During the summer holidays, I was just like a hungry girl, eating [consuming] (2) a large amount of paper and plenty of envelopes by writing letters. I don't know why I am so fascinated (被……所吸引) with letters. I just enjoy the feeling of sharing my life with others. But the most boring thing is waiting for replies. “What will she feel after reading my letters? I often ask myself. Fortunat穿迹扁克壮久憋勋铂魔ely, my pen pals (笔友) have the same idea as mine, for they always reply [answer] (3) my letters as soon as possible. The more letters I have written, the more important I find communication is. A person can't live in isolation (孤立状态) , can he? In letters, I can “see” people; I can get to know what he is thinking about; what's his trouble and what he needs. Each letter gives you a new feeling, for different people write just in different ways. That's what I call a magic (魅力) .
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