

答案:2  悬赏:0  
解决时间 2021-12-21 09:20
Will garlic (80 grams), 200 grams of onion. Celery end 150 grams fry dry water stand-by, butterand small fire fried hot,
Sauteed Beef Fillet with Black Pepper pictures (17)
Add pepper seed 8 grams, 300 grams of black pepper deep fried, then add the onion and garlicto water, adding Tomato Juice 250 grams, 125 grams of OK sauce, oyster sauce 110 grams,150 grams of sugar, MSG 30 grams, 25 grams of chicken, the level 15 grams, 8 grams of soy sauce, soup 650 grams of small fire fire to water into. Key: production must master the furnace,simmer slow fire.
Raw material: beef 250 grams, onion 50 grams, 5 grams of green pepper, red pepper 5 grams,black pepper corns 5 grams, 4 grams of salt, MSG 2 grams, starch 10 grams, 10 grams of soy sauce, cheese powder 2 grams, 15 grams of liquid egg, garlic 10 grams, 15 grams of soy sauce,oyster sauce, 5 g, the source, the amount of soup.
Practice a
1 will wash beef to the muscle oblique knife cut into large, with a knife shoot loose container,salt, MSG, soy sauce flavor, custard powder, egg, starch marinate for. The onion 40 Kocsecircle, the other 10 grams of onion and green and red bell pepper mince.
2 the pot put oil lit heat, the onion, pepper powder, garlic into the pot until fragrant, add blackpepper, oyster sauce, soy sauce, broken soup boil, thicken with wet starch put oil temperature(HU).
3 sizzling hot, the other pot put the oil, till the Qicheng heat beef, fried to eight mature into the colander in the. The onion ring on the hot iron, code on the beef, pour the sauce on the table.
Features: pepper flavor, fresh meat.
Practice two
1, bovine tenderloin wash, wipe the surface of water, cut into 1cm thick. Add in egg white,
Sauteed Beef Fillet with Black Pepper other series (18)
Yellow Wine starch and water mixing evenly, marinated for 20 minutes.
2, onions to pitche filaments. Wash peppers seeded, cut into 1cm wide strip.
3, in the fire heat wok of oil, after burning hot troughs twelve months later the marinated beef tenderloin in quickly stir fry until cooked, then remove and drain the oil stand-by.
4, the grinding head grinding black pepper regulation to mid-range, grinding medium size pot,hot oil, after the heat into the medium size particles and oyster sauce, fried onions to add green pepper and stir fry for a while.
5, and finally into the sirloin strips stir fry slightly, so that the meat surface is uniformly covered with freshly ground black pepper.
Practice three
Sauteed Beef Fillet with Black Pepper 1 beef cut into thick slices, with the knife blade Tataki,made from beef, add cooking wine, oil and water starch, marinate for 15 minutes.
2 onion peeling, green pepper remove stalks and seeds, were cut size sheet.
Tip: add 3 tablespoons oil, add beef and stir fry until seven mature, add black pepper, oyster sauce, sugar, salt, MSG, stir well, add onion and green pepper stir fry until cooked beef. Pine shoot beef and oil and starch grasping mix, is to make the meat more tender.
Practice four
Ingredients: beef fillet, green / red pepper, saute sesame
Materials: salt, Pineapple Juice, black pepper sauce, dry starch, homemade mix soya sauce mixture
1 beef superficial fascia removed after transverse slice, rinse clean water twist dry standby;ready salted sauce: black pepper sauce 3 tablespoons of the mixture +1 homemade soya sauce mixture (practice here) +1/2 spoon Pineapple Juice, adding water to stir; will adjust the goodpickled sauce slowly pour cattle Liu, edge down while stirring, so the salted beef sauce "eat" out(i.e. beef tenderloin was expansive), the beef pickled restrict 20 minutes, sprinkle dry starch mix well, and then poured a tablespoon of oil mix.
2 green / red pepper wash to seed, to use the knife cut wire tap standby; a frying pan heat oil,green / red chilli pour, stir fried quickly in a little salt to it. The uniform clean wok;
3 the net pot, hot pot in the oil temperature the marinated beef into the rotation, pan quickly slip loose, meat discoloration after stir fried green / red chili good, uniform clean wok.
4 sprinkle a little fried sesame. [1]
1 beef to stir fried tender three key actions: one is the draft. To make delicious pickled saucebeef will be well fed, with water and juice beef Q tender; two is the oil seal. Stem starch + oil, thejuicy beef close to wrap up, against the high temperature oil; three is the temperature controlpot, stir fried with quick action.
2 to stir more fresh and sweet and tender beef, pickled when adding a small amount ofPineapple Juice. This is a barbecue shop not out of "little secret". In order to make beef meatbecomes more tender, many barbecue shop will be the addition of a small amount of Pineapple Juice marinated beef. Pineapple contains bromelain has the decomposition of protein, which canmake beef more fresh and sweet and tender.
主料: 牛里脊肉 300克 辅料: 洋葱 100克 青椒 50克 柿子椒 30克 淀粉(蚕豆) 15克 调料: 小葱 75克 [口急]汁(粤语) 3克 胡椒 10克 生抽 15克 大蒜 8克 黄酒 10克 番茄酱 8克 盐 5克 香油 3克 味精 5克 黄油 25克 白砂糖 8克 植物油 25克 各适量 铁板黑椒牛柳的做法: 1. 将牛柳(牛里脊肉)去筋后切成长5 厘米、厚4 毫米的片,进行腌制; 2. 腌制入味的牛肉片加入食粉3克,生抽6克、味精5克、黄酒5克、清水75毫升、淀粉10克,拌匀至粘手; 3. 再加入鸡蛋15克拌匀,表面淋入净植物油,入冰箱保鲜室(4℃),冷冻约3 小时以上备用; 4. 净干葱切细粒; 5. 洋葱切细丝; 6. 青椒斜刀切抹刀片; 7. 红椒切细粒; 8. 大蒜拍碎剁成细茸; 9. 炒锅上火烧热,加入黄油熬化后,放入干葱细粒、红椒细粒及蒜茸,煸香后放黑胡椒末稍煸; 10. 再加入番茄酱、黄酒、生抽、砂糖、盐、[口急]汁、味精、上汤,熬开5 分钟,倒入碗中备用; 11. 预备大号铁板、灯盏各一个; 12. 铁板上火烧热后关小火温着; 13. 灯盏中盛入半盏黑胡椒汁; 14. 炒锅上大火烧热,加入植物油,烧至6 成热时,放入从冰箱中取出的牛柳,泡至八成熟控入漏勺; 15. 炒锅再上火烧热,加入少许底油,下入一半洋葱丝、全部青椒片煸香; 16. 再入牛柳,烹黄酒及黑椒汁,勾薄芡,翻炒均匀; 17. 在翻炒牛柳的同时将铁板淋入少许麻油,撒入另一半洋葱丝; 18. 再马上将翻炒均匀的牛柳盛入烧好的铁饭上,盖好盖,即可跟灯盏一起上桌; 19. 菜上桌,将盖打开,倒入灯盏内的汁,再加盖,等10 秒钟即可食用。