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解决时间 2021-02-03 17:21
10 Effective Suggestions to protect Rare animals
1. Protect Wildlife Habitat
Perhaps the greatest threat that faces many species is the widespread destruction of habitat. Deforestation, farming, over-grazing and development all result in irreversible changes—soil compaction, erosion, desertification, and alteration of local climatic conditions. Such land use practices vastly alter or even eliminate wildlife habitat. In areas where rare species are present, habitat destruction can quickly force a species to extinction.

By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals can be protected together and when communities are kept intact, less conservation intervention is required to ensure species survival. Parks, reserves, and other protected lands are too often the only habitats left untouched by habitat destruction.
2.  Join a Conservation Organization
There is a wide range of conservation organizations working to protect endangered animals and habitats. Different organizations have different objectives—some work to protect a small plot of land or to protect whales, others focus on establishing good environmental policies in local government.
If you have a specific area of interest, you can often find an organization that is working to protect the species or habitats you're most concerned about. By joining in, you can support well-organized, ongoing efforts to protect species and habitats. And if you want to participate in conservation field work, you can often get involved in specific programs within many conservation organizations that rely to a great extent on help from volunteers.
3.  Reduce the Threat of Invasive Species
The spread of non-native species has greatly impacted native populations around the world. Invasive species compete with native species for resources and habitat. They can even prey on native species directly, forcing native species towards extinction. Another way to reduce the threat of invasive species is to incorporate native plants in your garden and to welcome native animals into your yard.
4.  Recycle and Reduce Energy and Goods Consumption
By recycling and (reusing as much as we can, we reduce our impact on the environment. Additionally, by reducing the energy we consume, we take a little of the burden off our natural resources (and our pocketbooks). You can also reduce your carbon footprint by first calculating your current carbon footprint and then reduce the amount of carbon you consume. For more information see: Ten Things to Do to Reduce Carbon Emissions.
5.  Minimize use of Herbicides and Pesticides
Herbicides and pesticides may keep yards looking nice but they are in fact hazardous pollutants that affect wildlife at many levels. Many herbicides and pesticides take a long time to degrade and build up in the soils or throughout the food chain. Some groups of animals such as amphibians are particularly vulnerable to these chemical pollutants and suffer greatly as a result of the high levels of herbicides and pesticides in their habitat.
6.  Place Decals on Windows to Deter Bird Collisions
Daniel Klem Jr. of Muhlenberg College has estimated that as many as one billion birds in the United States die each year due to collisions with windows. You can help reduce the number of collisions simply by placing decals on the windows in your home and office. Other simple steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of collisions are to re-evaluate feeder placement, draw shades and curtains during brightest parts of day, install tilted window glass, and put screens on outside of windows.
7.  Slow Down When Driving
Many native animals have to live in developed areas and this means they must navigate a landscape full of human hazards. One of the biggest obstacles to wildlife living in developed areas is that created by roads. Roads divide habitat and present a constant hazard to any animal attempting to cross from one side to the other. So when you're out and about, slow down and keep an eye out for wildlife.
8.  Voice Your Concerns and Get Involved Locally
By letting local and national governments know that you're concerned about endangered species, you're increasing the likelihood that someone will do something about it.
9.  Change Your Career
This may sound extreme but for some people getting involved in the protection of threatened and endangered animals is so important that a career change that enables you to work directly with species of concern may be the most rewarding way of doing so. If you're seeking more information on changing your career, you may want to check out The Working Zoologist.
10.  Share Your Enthusiasm for Wildlife and Nature
Encourage others to learn about nature, enjoy watching wildlife, and value protecting habitats and species with which we share this planet.
animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history.animals have been killed for their fur and feathers,for food,for sport,and simply because they were in the way.thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever.hundreds more are on the danger list today.about 170 kinds in the united states aloneare considered in danger. why should people care?because we need animals,and because once they are gone,there will never be any more.animals are more than just beautiful or interesting.they are more than just a source of food.every animal has its place in the balance of nature.destroying one kind of animal can create many problems.for example,when farmers killed large numbers of hawks,the farmers' stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice.why?because hawks eat rats and mice,with no hawks to keep down their numbers,the rats and mice multiplied quickly. luckily,some people are working to help save the animals.some groups raise money to let people know about the problem.and they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger.quite a few countries have passed laws.these laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list.slowly,the number of some animals in danger is growing. 中文: 动物需要保护 动物是自然资源,在整个历史过程中,人类一直在糟蹋着这种资源.人们杀死动物,获得它们的皮毛,把它们当作食物或运动方式,或者只是因为它们碍事.成千上万种动物已经从这个地球上永远地消失了.现在另外上百种动物也上了濒危动物名单.仅荚国大概就有170种被认为处于危险当中. 为什么人们应该感到担忧呢?因为我们需要动物,因为它们一旦消失,就永远不会再出现.动物不仅仅是漂亮或有趣.它们不仅仅是人类的食物来源.在维持自然平衡中,每种动物都有其作用.毁灭某种动物会导致许多问题.比如,农民们如果杀死为数众多的鹰,他们谷物和粮食的仓库就会受到老鼠和田鼠的破坏.为什么?因为鹰吃鼠类,没有鹰控制它们的数量,鼠类就会迅速繁殖. 幸运的是,有些人正在努力帮助拯救这些动物.有些组织筹钱以便人们了解这一问题.他们也努力使政府通过保护濒危动物的法律.很多国家已经通过了法律.这些法律禁止杀害濒危名单上的动植物.某些濒危动物的数目正在慢慢地不断上升.
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