

答案:5  悬赏:60  
解决时间 2021-02-15 23:27
He is of an increase of 100%; previous purple round face, has changed for Hui Huang, and the addition of the deep wrinkles; eyes like his father, swelling in the red all around, I know that, in the seaside species To the people, the sea breeze blowing all day, probably is the case. He is the head Zhanmao a break, only a very thin on the cotton, the body Sesuo; hands Tizhe Yi-Zhibao and a long breathing tube, it is my hands do not remember the red-circle is Hands, but Youcu You stupid and cracking, such as the Songshu Pi.
This to the world 100 days before the baby, long a Pan Huhu small brains. Those Xixishushu hair, Xianggang unearthed seedlings, as yellow, but as vibrant. That cute little face, like Shutou apples, sweet Youhong You can Taorenxihuan! One of the Xiaozui happy to, tongue slightly rolled up, like singing, like the recollection of the mother sweet Naizhi. Because too fat, chin almost into two. Smile on the face of the eye muscles Jicheng two Wanwan curve, like crystal bright moon. Two in front of the eyes Ceshi, greed and watch this beautiful world. Shuzhe ear upward, as if to listen to the voices around wonderful. A bridge of the nose like the small bell like embedded in the center, a three-dimensional type, is so striking. This little baby how lively, how cute, she is simply a small angel.
Qi keep her ears with short hair, head always Yizuoyiyou to Qiazhe two hairpin, the Long hair closely behind the ear, showing a smooth Bai Jing faces. Her little eyes, careful long, but very look good, smile turned into a two joints. Nose slightly Shangqiao, a Qiaopi gives the impression that it is extremely cute. She usually is the most like to wear the dress of a white Landi, Qunbai You Kuanyou large. Her running, dress like a flower, like butterflies fly up.
That little sluggish even before the eyes, under the Nongmei to turn to turn, just as two of mice, it's dark Jianzui drilled holes, erected ears, moving the beard to see if hidden cat Or naughty children, suspicion and Xiuzhe air. "
He tall; Qingbaikou face, the wrinkles between the folder from time to time some injuries; Luanpeng Peng's Huabai a beard. Although the wearing of Changshan, but Youzang You break, it seems not fill more than 10 years, has not wash. "
母爱无言 母亲,多么伟大的字眼!一个人呱呱坠地刚开始学会的第一个词语:“妈妈”。多么熟悉多么亲切的称呼,一个人心里永远感激的是她的母亲。因为母亲用甜美的乳汁养育了她,哺育了她。 高尔基曾经这样说过:“世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。” 母亲是什么?是生命之本,是万物之源,母亲就是创造我们生命给予我们成长的最亲最亲的人。 有一天,当我路过草坪,看到一个年轻的母亲牵引着跌跌撞撞学走路的小宝贝时,这样的画面也是如此震憾人的心灵。你的眼前不由浮现母亲教你学走路的身影;眼睛顿时湿润了,心里也有几分莫名其妙的欣喜。假如她现在在你面前,你会深情地呼唤一声:“妈妈!”的确,母亲为了我们可以付出一切代价,包括她的生命,但从来无怨言,不计较报酬,你说:“这比山还高比海还深的情谊?我怎么能忘怀?” 当我背上书包上学时,母亲会在昏暗的灯光下默默地替我准备,有包好的新书、有次日上学的新衣服。第二天早上睁开眼,母亲早已把做好的饭菜端上饭桌,单等着我开饭。回想起往日的点点滴滴,一股股暖流涌上心头。心被母亲的关爱包围着,感到无比幸福快乐! 当我开始参加工作时,母亲的叮咛,母亲的唠叨,都成了我的财富。 当我听到一位八九岁的小男孩用稚嫩的声音吟诵《游子吟》时,我心灵那最深处的感情触动了,“慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。”是呀,谁言寸草心,报得三春晖?这世界上唯一施恩于我而不求回报的就是母亲!母亲的爱是无私,是真诚的爱。母亲给我们生命,她给予我们太多太多,无穷无尽的爱,而我们呢? 我们唯一能记住的就是母亲那一张慈祥的脸,一双为我们操劳的手,一个生日。 我们唯一能做到的就是为母亲减轻点负担,和母亲聊聊天,说说话,陪陪她。 我们唯一能想到的就是为母亲营造一个安谧的环境,让她快乐安享幸福的晚年! 母爱无言!让我们用心去品味,用心去体会!
你们之间,之所以会分,是因为彼此之间有着不可愈合的沟,如果再在一起不过是在重复一遍以前发生呢个过的事罢了,理论上讲也就是在浪费生命,个人不建议这么做<br>英语学习网站大全 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fenglish.webktv.net%2f%e3%80%80" target="_blank">http://english.webktv.net/ </a>描写妈妈外貌的英语作文
Maternal love speechless Mother, how great word! A person persistency just start to the first word: "mother". How familiar with how kind call, a personal heart forever grateful to her mother. Because mothers with sweet milk raising her, feeding her. Gorky have said: "everything that happens in the world glorious and pride are from mother." Mother is what? Is life, the source of all, the mother is to create our life gives us growing most close most close. One day, when I passed the lawn, see a young mother traction to diediezhuangzhuang learning to walk little baby, so of the picture is so profoundly people's heart. Your eyes not emerge mother taught you learn to walk figure, Eye immediately wet, the in the mind also part is puzzling of joy. If she now before you, and you will affectionately call 1: "mama!" Indeed, the mother in order to we can pay all costs, including her life, but never WuYuanYan to overlook the pay, you said: "this is better than mountain high sea return deep friendship? How can I forget?" When my back schoolbag go to school, mother will silently in dim light, for me to go to school, the new package of new clothes. The next morning opened my eyes, mother had put it on the table, a single meal wait for my dinner. Recall past dribs and drabs, spurts of stream into my mind. Heart is surrounded by a mother's love and care, I felt so happy! When I began to work, the mother's reminds, the mother's nagging, all became my treasure. When I heard a eight or nine years old boy with childish voice reciting the chuan qi Yin ", my mind the innermost feelings touched, "the loving mother hand line, wandering on garments. MiMi seam, meaning departing tardy to fear. Who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments." Is ah, who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments? The world's only kind to me and want nothing in return is mother! A mother's love is selfless, is sincere love. Mother gives us life, she gives us too much, and endless love, but we? The only thing we can remember is that one kind mother face, a pair of for us at hand, a birthday. The only thing we can do is to reduce some burden, and mother mother chat, talk with her. The only thing we can think of is for mothers to create a tranquil environment, let her happy enjoys a blessedness senectitude! Maternal love speechless! Let's intentions to taste, attentively to experience
My mother is a gentleness, the beautiful woman。She has long hair, a pair of big eyes。She looks tall and thin。Although she is old, but very fashionable dress。Her mind special open。I really love her。 我的妈妈是一个温柔,漂亮的女士。她有长长的头发,一双大眼睛,她看起来又高又瘦.虽然她年龄很大,但是很时尚.她的思想很开放.我非常爱她.
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