

答案:1  悬赏:10  
解决时间 2021-11-08 09:34
The Young Man hangs up, turns around and sits down to an   overflowing plate of eggs and meat, potatoes and toast, the   counterman refills his cup and the Young Man ties into the   breakfast, eating it with such relish that Susan can't take   her eyes off him. He senses her eyes, glances over, his   cheeks filled with a mouthful of food, swallows embarrassedly.   YOUNG MAN   Good morning, I was talking kind of   loud there, sorry.   SUSAN   Not at all. It was fascinating.   YOUNG MAN   Oh yeah? What was 'fascinating'   about it?   SUSAN   You and 'Honey'?   YOUNG MAN   My kid sister. She just broke up   with her boyfriend and she's   thinking about dropping out of   law school.   SUSAN   I'm sorry --   YOUNG MAN   Nothing to be sorry about. That's   the way with men and women, isn't   it?   SUSAN   What's the way?   YOUNG MAN   Nothing lasts.   SUSAN   I agree --   YOUNG MAN   Why?   SUSAN   I was just being agreeable, now I've   got to explain why?   YOUNG MAN   I'm not trying to sharpshoot you,   but that 'nothing lasts' stuff,   that's what was the trouble with   Honey's guy. He was fooling around   and Honey caught him at it. One   girlfriend wasn't enough for him.   SUSAN   So you're a one-girl guy?   YOUNG MAN   Damn right. Looking for her right   now. Who knows? You might be her.   Susan laughs.   YOUNG MAN (cont'd)   Well, don't laugh. I just arrived   in town, got a new job -- I'm trying   to get into this apartment. You a   doctor?   SUSAN   How'd you know?   YOUNG MAN   Everybody's a doctor around here.   This apartment house is all green   pajamas and slippers. The guy I'm   waiting for to vacate is a doctor.   What kind of doctor?   SUSAN   Me? Internal medicine.   The Young Man smiles.   YOUNG MAN   So if I needed a doctor, you could   be it?   SUSAN   I could be her.   YOUNG MAN   'Her'.   A moment.   SUSAN   Yes, I could.   (a moment)   I have an office in the hospital.   YOUNG MAN   -- This is my lucky day. I arrive   in this big bad city and I not only   find a doctor, a beautiful woman as   well.   Susan looks into her coffee.   YOUNG MAN (cont'd)   I'm sorry, you mind my saying that?   SUSAN   Not at all.   YOUNG MAN   How 'bout another cup of coffee?   SUSAN   I've got patients coming in --   YOUNG MAN   And I want to get into my apartment   and go to work. Please, what do you   say, another cup of coffee?   Two pots are warming behind the counter, he reaches over and   refills her cup and his. Pushes a container and pitcher to-   wards her.   YOUNG MAN (cont'd)   I see you use lots of sugar and   cream. Me, too...   They smile at each other, fix up their coffee.   The place has cleared out now, the counterman busy bussing   tables laden with dishes and cups, Susan and the Young Man   are still at the counter, but about to leave.   YOUNG MAN   ...It's kind of a pro bono job.   SUSAN   'Pro bono'. That means doing good   -- Going to be doing good all your   life?   YOUNG MAN   I know what you're saying. Doesn't   pay very well. Depends on the woman   I marry. Maybe she'd like a bigger   house, a better car, lotsa kids,   college doesn't come cheap --   SUSAN   You'd give up what you want for the   woman you marry?   YOUNG MAN   I would.   Susan rises now, the Young Man with her, leaving money for   their checks they head for the door.   YOUNG MAN (cont'd)   If I married you, I'd want to give   you what you wanted, I know it's   old fashioned and all that, but   what's wrong with taking care of a   woman? She takes care of you.   SUSAN   You'll have a hard time finding a   woman like that these days --   YOUNG MAN   You never know. Lightning could   strike.   Susan at the door now, pauses abruptly, her eyes on the   Young Man.   EXT. CORINTH COFFEE SHOP, YORK AVENUE - DAY   The Young Man holds the door for Susan as they step out   onto the street.   Susan is staring at him now, he smiles, all open and   vulnerable.   SUSAN   I've got to go --   YOUNG MAN   Did I say something wrong?   SUSAN   No, it was so right it scares me.   YOUNG MAN   I've been thinking... I don't want   you to be my doctor. Because I   don't want you to examine me.   SUSAN   Why?   YOUNG MAN   Because I like you so much.   (a moment)   You have coffee here every morning,   don't you? If I came by, could you   give me the name of a doctor?   Another moment.   SUSAN   Sure, I'll give you the name of a   doctor.   (a moment)   ...And I don't want to examine you.   YOUNG MAN   Why not?   SUSAN   Because I like you so much. Now   I've got to go.   She hurries away down the sidewalk, the Young Man watching   her. Now he turns and starts off in the opposite direction.   ANOTHER ANGLE - SUSAN   She looks back at the Young Man, then turns and walks on.   ANOTHER ANGLE - THE YOUNG MAN   He looks back at Susan as the distance between them widens,   now he turns and walks on.   ON SUSAN   She looks around once more but the Young Man is still headed   in the opposite direction, his back to her. She turns the   corner and continues on.   ON THE YOUNG MAN   Approaching the corner, he looks back for Susan yet again,   but she is gone, still turned he steps off into the street   and a hospital supplies truck, speeding down the curb lane,   HITS HIM BROADSIDE, a horrific impact, the THUD echoes as   his body arcs through the air.   Another sickening THUD as it lands, the Young Man lies   crumpled, still.
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