

答案:6  悬赏:70  
解决时间 2021-04-21 15:48
√ 2005年10月 成功策划并组织一项学校范围内的游戏赛事。
√ 2004-2005年 任职于校团委海报组、业务拓展等工作。
√ 2005年 参加教育部等单位组织的多项项目的实地考察调研工作,获得各种社会经验、分析以及市场分析判断能力,在和其它实习生充分讨论.对公司的战略意向进行电话调研并做相关统计分析。
√ 2004年-至今 从事各种勤工助学实践,在业务的过程中化理论为实践;培养了数据收集:
√ 2006年 代理打印业务。
其它社会经验: 熟悉了相关业务流程:


It offers the civilized and orderly propaganda environment for all events in the school: I became acquainted with the relevant business process.

What I gained from my trainee experienceWork responsibilities & achievements
1; was trained on the area of data collation. Conduct telephone survey on company strategic plans and make the relevant strategic analyses, but also let me gain social experiences
* Year 2005 Onsite research work of several projects organized by Education Ministry and other organizations
* Oct, which is in charge of the management & coordination of the posters paste work in all departments and social organizations in the school, business development and other duties. I have successfully developed a set of practical VIP customer data management system according to data management requirements from Marketing Center and based on the discussions and cooperation with other interns.

Other social experiences, 2005 Planning and organizing a game competition in the school
* Year 2004 - 2005 A member of Poster Team in School Youth League Committee ;
4., analyses and market judgement ability; practiced and improved my team cooperation ability;
* Year 2006 Work in a print business agency and turn the theory into practise during the business
* Year 2004 - now Practise various part-time jobs during my studying period which not only benefit me from economic side. Reponse the collation of business data for customer accountants. Accompany customer accountants on business trips for business solutions;
2; enhanced responsibility consciousness and the ability of rising to the challenges
看了一下,你还是用我的吧。呵呵。 Duties and Achievements: 1. Organizing operation data for Customer Manager. 2. Carrying out Telephone Survey for the Company’s strategic intention and making the relevant statistic and analysis thereon. 3. Working outside with the Customer Manger on the operation explanation and business expansion. 4. Aiming at the requirements of information management of the Marketing Center, successfully developing an applied VIP Data Managing System through sufficient discussion and cooperation with other interns. Gains as an intern: Getting acquainted with the relevant operation process; training the abilities of collecting and analyzing information and the market analysis and diagnosis ability; training and improving the team work sense; enhancing the sense of responsibility and ability to affront challenges. Other social experiences: √ In 2006, acted as a representative of printing business, and converted the theory learned on book into the practice during the business. √ 2004 – engaged in all kinds work-study practices, and obtained plenty social experience as well as financial supporting. √ in 2005, attended several on-spot investigation and research programs organized by such organs as the Ministry of Education, etc. √ in 2005 Oct., successfully designed and organized an around-campus Gaming Match. √ 2004-2005, hold a post in the Poster Group of the School Commission of The Chinese communist youth league, managing and coordinating the posters pasting affairs of the departments and organizations, so as to provide a civilized and orderly circumstance for the activities hold in school.
Work job and accomplishment: 1.Tidy up a business data for the customer's manager. 2.Carry on a telephone investigation to the strategic intention of company and do related covariance analysis. 3.Carry on business solution, business to expand with customer's manager's egress etc. work. 4.Aim at the data management of marketing center request, at with other trainees discuss well, the foundation of[with] cooperation up, succeed to develop a set of practical VIP customer of a data a management system. Practice acquisition: Acquainted with related business process;Developed the data collections, analysis and market analysis a judgment ability;Toughen and raised a team cooperation an ability;Strengthened responsibility consciousness and accept the ability of challenge. Other social experience: √ The agency prints business in 2006, turning theories in the process of business for practice. 2004 of √- is up to now engaged in various frequently the work help to learn fulfillment, obtaining remaining of[with] economic support, acquiring various social experience. The √ attends Ministry of Education in 2005 etc. the on-the-spot investigation investigation work of several items of the unit organization. The √ plans successfully in October,2005 and organize a game game in the school scope. √ 2004 -s are worked in the poster of each section of school and association of the regiment 委 poster set in the school, management and coordination to paste up a work in 2005, each activity which pursues studies a school provides the publicity space that the civilization has a preface.
And the performance of duties : 1. Finishing business manager for customer data.2. Strategic intentions of the company's telephone-related investigations and do statistical analysis.3. With travel for business managers to answer customer, business development and so on.4. Marketing view of the data management requirements, and other interns full discussion on the basis of cooperation,successfully developed a set of practical VIP customer data management system.Familiar with the business processes related to acquired : attachment; Training data collection, analysis and the ability to analyze and judge the market;train and improve the team; enhance the sense of responsibility and accept challenges.√ other social experience : Acting printing business in 2006, in the course of theory to practice.√ 2004 - has engaged in various work-study and practice, we made economic support of this proposal, have access to all kinds of social experience.√ unit of the Ministry of Education in 2005 to participate in a number of research projects - the-spot inspection.√ success in October 2005 and organized a school within a game of race.√ 2004-2005 school committee working in the poster groupSchool management and coordination of the work of various departments and organizations to display posters to schools in the promotion of space activities in a civilized and orderly.
<p _extended="true">■re:ngです。</p>  <p _extended="true"><strong>我是rre:ng</strong>。<br _extended="true">■ドキ生で新曲発表しませんか、というのにホイホイ乗ってみました。ライブに来て下さった方、バンドのみなさまお疲れ様でした。</p>  <p _extended="true"><strong>没有发表现代新歌,就轻轻上阵了。现场的各位来宾及乐队的各位,你们辛苦了。<br _extended="true"></strong>■2月7日ボーマス11/とらのあな・2月10日amazonで発売・頒布されるre:ng feat.初音ミク「nextone」にはミク単独ver.が収録されています。</p>  <p _extended="true"><strong>2月7号bomasu集及とらのあな集将2月10号在amazon出售。颁布的re:ng feat被搜集在初音音乐的专辑「nextone」里。<br _extended="true"></strong>■「nextone」特設サイト: <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fn1.reng.jp%2f" target="_blank">http://n1.reng.jp/</a><strong>「nextone」 的特别专辑请查网 <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2fn1.reng.jp" target="_blank">http://n1.reng.jp</a></strong>/<br _extended="true">■イラストかわいすぐる…他ヒャさん本当に絵ありがとうございました!<strong>太感谢ヒャさん的插图</strong><br _extended="true">■なにげに今回640x480で作ってあるので、拡大しても少し綺麗なはず。</p>  <p _extended="true"><strong>这次用640x480的规格,放大了一点,也漂亮不少</strong></p>  <p _extended="true">■ひとりサークル始めました。solidbeats website: <a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=shttp%3a%2f%2freng.jp%2f" target="_blank">http://reng.jp/</a><br _extended="true">→カラオケ配布開始しました。<br _extended="true">■re:ng mylist/3328613</p>
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