
佳能S90,镜头上写着3.8x IS 6.0-22.5mm 1:2.0-4.9是什么意思?

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解决时间 2021-01-27 23:54
佳能S90,镜头上写着3.8x IS 6.0-22.5mm 1:2.0-4.9是什么意思?


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Chinese Men's seeking the spirit of defeat
? ? In the world of Jin Yong's martial arts novel, a strange figure appears isolated situation, but his own name and character is not surprising that the Department, reflected, is one of the most fundamental psychological tendency - - lack of anything, just to pursue what. What, then, why the Chinese Men also follow the uncontested top dog of this fictional character, ever in pursuit of failure? Information, Chinese Men seem to have never had the past two decades major victories, the missing, should not be victory in defeat Yeah. In fact, little of it is not difficult to see the Chinese men's team spirit and Du Gu seeking defeat the spirit of seeking abortion as no surprise, because it reflects that it is the fate of mankind - deliberately seeking victory, not necessarily always prevail.
? ? deliberate pursuit of victory, not necessarily always get the win? At first glance, people will surely think this is a fallacy. However, the fact is the case. For example, the bureaucrats from the eighties has been the resounding to chants of \home to thousands of school children. For example, every year now kill a lot of corrupt officials, which reflects the official is a strong desire to pursue clean politics,mac 120 color eyeshadow palette, but, like Cheng Yaojin corrupt officials has always been to become a leech, after burning ash but to count them into the numerous articles leech. For example, those corrupt officials on the one hand, apart from enjoying a life of extravagance and dissipation of corruption, on the one hand, how can we not want to get an inexhaustible wealth of the world, after mass, shade benefit children and grandchildren? May be the result? Tricks, anti forget his tail, and often also detrimental to our children and grandchildren. Another example ... ...
? ? In fact, there is no more to leave from outside, just look at the performance of the Chinese men's soccer will be able to understand its tragedy lies in the fact that it sought to win more, then more Debu to victory.
? ? doubt, China Men has been purposely pursuing victory. The reason is that demand from the psychological reality of the situation or from the point of view, China needs at least once Xiong Qi Men, rather than as people have been ridiculed as: how can China Men have Duochou, like the group of eunuchs on the brothel. In addition, forced to admit that the Chinese Men in court on a strong performance indeed win ****。 Just think, if not to win, how will those players be eat, drink strong drag prostitute gambling Happy hollowed out body, Organisation nervously into the brutal arena of it? Just think, if not to win, those who after long training course on how to be anxious in the first faint blind, so that blind to their own position? Just think, if not for victory,discount mac cosmetics, were less physical circumstances are not such as persons, those tired of players such as sick cats, how would a monk preaching belly kick crotch hit the \Just think, if not for victory, there is the last word been the case, those people again and again so that plus getting laughs from disgrace, how will they learn the audacity to declare,mac beauty powder, \
? ? Yes, the Chinese Men indeed have been relentless in pursuit of the victory. What, then, why the pursuit of victory in the Chinese men's football but always got the failure?
? ? Chinese Men's problem is, it's just staring at the victory rather than the football itself. As we all know,p90x for sale, football itself is a creation of human beings to cultivate healthy exercises, and set up matches, designed to promote and facilitate the formation of the spirit of this sport and development. Therefore, people who engage in this activity should focus on the sporting spirit of the inheritance and development, rather than focus on this activity brought material benefits, and so-called glory. It is clear, focus on the physical and spiritual tradition and the development of the people, will be doing everything in an attitude of doing nothing, being followed the objective laws of the game itself, would gradually eliminate the activities inherent in human nature in excess of *** *, the full enjoyment of movement brought its own people happy and content,mac eyeliner, will be found everywhere in the joy and satisfaction of these incentives under the gradually improve their physical skills and to overcome the limitations inherent in mankind, and then step by step in order and others can achieve and not yet reached new heights. The focus on this activity and the material benefits brought about by the so-called glory of the people?
? ? spirit win the **** once distorted by quick success, it must be transformed into a kind of defeat the spirit of substantive requirements. Uncontested top dog in the end that may not always win, win, but will only be seeking abortion failed. Therefore, he learned to defeat the spirit of devotion to the demand of Chinese men's football may never be able to escape the fate of seeking abortion were defeated, as China's corrupt officials generally can not escape the fate of evil seek the same good too.
? ? 2008 年 17 August at the Romanian Jiashan
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