

答案:2  悬赏:30  
解决时间 2021-04-18 07:57
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is an 1865 novel written by
English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis
Carroll.It tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into
a fantasy world (Wonderland) populated by peculiar,anthropomorphic
creatures.The tale plays with logic,giving the story lasting popularity
with adults as well as children.It is considered to be one of the best
examples of the literary nonsense genre,and its narrative course and
structure,characters and imagery have been enormously influential in
both popular culture and literature,especially in the fantasy genre.The
tale begins with Alice,who is sitting by her sister,noticing a talking
and running rabbit.She then follows it down into the rabbit hole.Trouble
begins here,where she finds a key sitting on a glass table in the
hallway she lands into the Wonderland.She also ends up drinking from a
bottle that shrinks her and eating a cake that causes her to grow to the
size of the ceiling.After the occurrence of tons of interesting
events,Alice finally resumed her normal size.The Duchess's Cheshire Cat
appears to Alice and directs her to the Mad Hatter.During the
communication,Alice feels the offensive language and
leaves.Finally,Alice met the Queen and she invites Alice to play the
game of croquet.— She unintentionally offends the Queen who calls the
Executioner to behead her.But Alice,growing bolder,boxes his ears and in
the confusion which results,she awakes.
1 Down the rabbit-hole     Alice was beginning to get very bored.She and her sister were sitting under the trees.Her sister was reading,but Alice had nothing to do.Once or twice she looked into her sister's book,but it had no pictures or conversations in it.   'And what is the use of a book,'thought Alice,'without pictures or conversations?'   She tried to think of something to do,but it was a hot day and she felt very sleepy and stupid.She was still sitting and thinking when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.   There was nothing really strange about seeing a rabbit.And Alice was not very surprised when the Rabbit said,'Oh dear!Oh dear!I shall be late!'(Perhaps it was a little strange, Alice thought later,but at the time she was not surprised.)   But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket,looked at it,and hurried on.At once Alice jumped to her feet.   'I've never before seen a rabbit with either a pocket,or a watch to take out of it,'she thought.And she ran quickly across the field after the Rabbit.She did not stop to think, and when the Rabbit ran down a large rabbit-hole,Alice followed it immediately.   After a little way the rabbit-hole suddenly went down,deep into the ground.Alice could not stop herself falling,and down she went,too.   It was a very strange hole Alice was falling very slowly, and she had time to think and to look around her.She could see nothing below her because it was so dark.But when she looked at the sides of the hole,she could see cupboards and books and pictures on the walls.She had time to take things out of a cupboard,look at them,and then put them back in a cupboard lower down.   'Well!'thought Alice.'After a fall like this,I can fall anywhere!I can fall downstairs at home,and I won't cry or say a word about it!'   Down,down,down.'How far have I fallen now?'Alice said aloud to herself.'Perhaps I'm near the centre of the earth.Let me think…That's four thousand miles down.' (Alice was very good at her school lessons and could remember a lot of things like this.)   Down,down,down.Would she ever stop falling?Alice was very nearly asleep when,suddenly,she was sitting on the ground.Quickly,she jumped to her feet and looked around.She could see the White Rabbit,who was hurrying away and still talking to himself.'Oh my ears and whiskers!'he was saying.'How late it's getting!'   Alice ran after him like the wind.She was getting very near him when he suddenly turned a corner.Alice ran round the corner too,and then stopped.She was now in a long,dark room with doors all round the walls,and she could not see the White Rabbit anywhere.   She tried to open the doors,but they were all locked.'How will I ever get out again?'she thought sadly.Then she saw a little glass table with three legs,and on the top of it was a very small gold key.Alice quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors,but oh dear!Either the locks were too big,or the key was too small,but she could not open any of the doors.   Then she saw another door,a door that was only forty centimetres high.The little gold key unlocked this door easily, but of course Alice could not get through it—she was much too big.So she lay on the floor and looked through the open door,into a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers.   Poor Alice was very unhappy.'What a wonderful garden!' she said to herself.'I'd like to be out there—not in this dark room.Why can't I get smaller?'It was already a very strange day,and Alice was beginning to think that anything was possible.   After a while she locked the door again,got up and went back to the glass table.She put the key down and then she saw a little bottle on the table('I'm sure it wasn't here before,'said Alice).Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK ME in large letters.   But Alice was a careful girl.'It can be dangerous to drink out of strange bottles,'she said.'What will it do to me?'She drank a little bit very slowly.The taste was very nice,like chocolate and oranges and hot sweet coffee,and very soon Alice finished the bottle. * * *   'What a strange feeling!'said Alice.'I think I'm getting smaller and smaller every second.'   And she was.A few minutes later she was only twenty-five centimetres high.'And now,'she said happily,'I can get through the little door into that beautiful garden.'   She ran at once to the door.When she got there,she remembered that the little gold key was back on the glass table.She ran back to the table for it,but of course,she was now much too small!There was the key,high above her,on top of the table.She tried very hard to climb up the table leg,but she could not do it.   At last,tired and unhappy,Alice sat down on the floor and cried.But after a while she spoke to herself angrily.   'Come now,'she said.'Stop crying at once.What's the use of crying?'She was a strange child,and often talked to herself like this.   Soon she saw a little glass box near her on the floor.She opened it,and found a very small cake with the words EAT ME on it.   Nothing could surprise Alice now.'Well,I'll eat it,'she said.'If I get taller,I can take the key off the table.And if I get smaller,I can get under the door.One way or another,I'll get into the garden.So it doesn't matter what happens!'   She ate a bit of the cake,and then put her hand on top of her head.'Which way?Which way?'she asked herself,a little afraid.Nothing happened.This was not really surprising.People don't usually get taller or shorter when they eat cake.But a lot of strange things were happening to Alice today.'It will be very boring,'she said,'if nothing happens.'   So she went on eating,and very soon the cake was finished.   vetofwlou采纳率:41% 11级 2013.03.31你好 爱丽丝靠着姐姐坐在河岸边很久了,由于没有什么事情可做,她开始感到厌倦,她一次又—次地瞧瞧姐姐正在读的那本书,可是书里没有图画,也没有对话,爱丽丝想:“要是一本书里没有图画和对话,那还有什么意思呢?”   天热得她非常困,甚至迷糊了,但是爱丽丝还是认真地盘算着,做一只雏菊花环的乐趣,能不能抵得上摘雏菊的麻烦呢?就在这时,突然一只粉红眼睛的白兔,贴着她身边跑过去了。   爱丽丝并没有感到奇怪,甚至于听到兔子自言自语地说:“哦,亲爱的,哦,亲爱的,我太迟了。”爱丽丝也没有感到离奇,虽然过后,她认为这事应该奇怪,可当时她的确感到很自然,但是兔于竟然从背心口袋里袭里掏出一块怀表看看,然后又匆匆忙忙跑了。这时,爱丽丝跳了起来,她突然想到:从来没有见过穿着有口袋背心的兔子,更没有见到过兔子还能从口袋里拿出—块表来,她好奇地穿过田野,紧紧地追赶那只兔子,刚好看见兔子跳进了矮树下面的一个大洞。   爱丽丝也紧跟着跳了进去,根本没考虑怎么再出来。   这个兔子洞开始像走廊,笔直地向前,后来就突然向下了,爱丽丝还没有来得及站住,就掉进了—个深井里。   也许是井太深了,也许是她自己感到下沉得太慢,因此,她有足够的时间去东张西望,而且去猜测下一步会发生什么事,首先,她往下看,想知道会掉到什么地方。但是下面太黑了,什么都看不见,于是,她就看四周的井壁,只见井壁上排满了碗橱和书架,以及挂在钉子上的地图和图画,她从一个架子上拿了一个罐头,罐头上写着“桔子酱”,却是空的,她很失望,她不敢把空罐头扔下去,怕砸着下面的人,因此,在继续往下掉的时候,她就把空罐头放到另一个碗橱里去了。    “好啊,”爱丽丝想,“经过了这次锻炼,我从楼梯上滚下来就不算回事。家里的人都会说我多么勇敢啊,嘿,就是从屋顶上掉下来也没什么了不起,”——这点倒很可能是真的,屋顶上摔下来,会摔得说不出话的。   掉啊,掉啊,掉啊,难道永远掉不到底了吗?爱丽丝大声说:“我很知道掉了多少英里了,我一定已经靠近地球中心的一个地方啦!让我想想:这就是说已经掉了大约四千英里了,我想……”(你瞧,爱丽丝在学校里已经学到了一点这类东西,虽然现在不是显示知识的时机,因为没一个人在听她说话,但是这仍然是个很好的练习。)“……是的,大概就是这个距离。那么,我现在究竟到了什么经度和纬度了呢?”(爱丽丝不明白经度和纬度是什么意思,可她认为这是挺时髦的字眼,说起来怪好听的。)  不一会儿,她又说话了:“我想知道我会不会穿过地球,到那些头朝下走路的人们那里,这该多么滑稽呀!我想这叫做‘对称人’(19世纪中学地理教科书上流行个名洞,叫“对跖人”,意思是说地球直径两端的人,脚心对着脚心。爱丽丝对“地球对面的人”的概念模糊,以为他们是“头朝下”走路的,而且把“对跖人”错念成“对称人”了。)吧?”这次她很高兴没人听她说话,因为“对称人”这个名词似乎不十分正确。“我想我应该问他们这个国家叫什么名称:太太,请问您知道这是新西兰,还是澳大利亚?”(她说这话时,还试着行个屈膝礼,可是不成。你想想看,在空中掉下来时行这样的屈膝礼,行吗,)“如果我这样问,人们一定会认为我是一个无知的小姑娘哩。不,永远不能这样问,也许我会看到它写在哪儿的吧!”   掉啊,掉啊,掉啊,除此之外,没别的事可干了。因此,过一会儿爱丽丝又说话了:“我敢肯定,黛娜今晚一定非常想念我。”(黛娜是只猫)“我希望他们别忘了午茶时给她准备一碟牛奶。黛娜,我亲爱的,我多么希望你也掉到这里来,同我在一起呀,我怕空中没有你吃的小老鼠,不过你可能捉到一只蝙蝠,你要知道,它很像老鼠。可是猫吃不吃蝙蝠呢?”这时,爱丽丝开始瞌睡了,她困得迷迷糊糊时还在说:“猫吃蝙蝠吗?猫吃蝙蝠吗?”有时又说成:“蝙蝠吃猫吗?”这两个问题她哪个也回答不出来,所以,她怎么问都没关系,这时候,她已经睡着了,开始做起梦来了。她梦见正同黛娜手拉着手走着,并且很认真地问:“黛娜,告诉我,你吃过蝙蝠吗?,就在这时,突然“砰”地一声,她掉到了一堆枯枝败叶上了,总算掉到了底了!   爱丽丝一点儿也没摔坏,她立即站起来,向上看看,黑洞洞的。朝前一看,是个很长的走廊,她又看见了那只白兔正急急忙忙地朝前跑。这回可别错过时机,爱丽丝像一阵风似地追了过去。她听到兔子在拐弯时说:“哎呀,我的耳朵和胡子呀,现在太迟了!”这时爱丽丝已经离兔子很近了,但是当她也赶到拐角,兔子却不见了。她发现自己是在一个很长很低的大厅里,屋顶上悬挂着一串灯,把大厅照亮了。   大厅四周都是门,全都锁着,爱丽丝从这边走到那边,推一推,拉一拉,每扇门都打不开,她伤心地走到大厅中间,琢磨着该怎么出去。   突然,她发现了一张三条腿的小桌,桌子是玻璃做的。桌上除了一把很小的金钥匙,什么也没有,爱丽丝一下就想到这钥匙可能是哪个门上的。可是,哎呀,要么就是锁太大了,要么就是钥匙太小了,哪个门也用不上。不过,在她绕第二圈时,突然发现刚才没注意到的一个低帐幕后面,有一扇约十五英寸高的小门。她用这个小金钥匙往小门的锁眼里一插,太高兴了,正合适。   爱丽丝打开了门,发现门外是一条小走廊,比老鼠洞还小,她跪下来,顺着走廊望出去,见到一个从没见过的美丽花园。她多想离开这个黑暗的大厅,到那些美丽的花圃和清凉的喷泉中去玩呀!可是那门框连脑袋都过不去,可怜的爱丽丝想:“哎,就算头能过去,肩膀不跟着过去也没用,我多么希望缩成望远镜里的小人呀(爱丽丝常常把望远镜倒着看,一切东西都变得又远又小,所以她认为望远镜可以把人放大或缩小。),我想自己能变小的,只要知道变的方法就行了。”你看,一连串稀奇古怪的事,使得爱丽丝认为没有什么事是不可能的了。看来,守在小门旁没意思了,于是,她回到桌子边,希望还能再找到一把钥匙,至少也得找到一本教人变成望远镜里小人的书,可这次,她发现桌上有一只小瓶。爱丽丝说:“这小瓶刚才确实不在这里。”瓶口上系着一张小纸条,上面印着两个很漂亮的大字:“喝我”。   说“喝我”倒不错,可是聪明的小爱丽丝不会忙着去喝的。她说:“不行,我得先看看,上面有没有写着‘毒药’两个字。”因为她听过一些很精彩的小故事,关于孩子们怎样被烧伤、被野兽吃掉,以及其它一些令人不愉快的事情,所有这些,都是因为这些孩子们没有记住大人的话,例如:握拨火棍时间太久就会把手烧坏;小刀割手指就会出血,等等。爱丽丝知道喝了写着“毒药”瓶里的药水,迟早会受害的。
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