

答案:1  悬赏:0  
解决时间 2021-04-28 06:31
看过尊的很多报道 他也曾提起他的伤心难过和眼泪 我也曾想过尊哭得时候是什么样子 今天看了视频 天啊 我的心在痛
我发誓 绝不要在看到他伤心难过 更不要看到他掉眼泪
尊很少哭 他的眼泪太珍贵 如果他哭了 我想天也会下雨吧
妈妈 永远是尊的痛和遗憾 这样的一个男子 我想值得得到更多的爱 与支持
好希望现在能有一个和他相守在一起的人 来抚慰他的痛
希望他尽早的实现梦想 尽早的找到生命的另一半 过他想要的生活
不管他是否出现在我的视线里 只要他快乐没有悲伤 就好
尊虽然演技不好,但是他真的很努力,很认真,也很坚强,他熬夜写博客,熬夜看粉丝的留言,熬夜学中文,他把粉丝给他的信,放在他最帖身的包里,当媒体体攻击他的时候,当他受伤时,他总是一个人承受,有人问他,当媒体攻击你时,你难过吗,尊说,我不会难过,我会更加坚强,我都经历了母亲离开我的痛苦了,我还有什么不能承受,说完尊对着镜头笑了一下,但是我分明看到了尊眼睛红红的,但是他却从来不轻易哭,即使他的队友都哭了,他也不会,他总是去安慰别人,他总是将他的难过藏起来,但是,当他看到汪东成的妈妈给因为工作而弄的满身是伤的他们鼓励时,汪东成哭了,尊本来要去安慰炎亚纶和汪东成,他努力想要擦拭掉眼睛里的眼泪,对我们微笑,但最后他却失声痛哭,他埂咽的说他想他的妈妈,真的很想,看似坚强的他,其实又那么脆弱,尊即使喉咙发炎到说不出话来,发烧到站不住,但他却帮被惩罚的队友喝掉他最不想喝也不能喝的刺激性很大的混合液体,他不会花言巧语讨粉丝欢心,也从来不会对粉丝说我爱你们,因为他说过我爱你这三个字是很珍贵的,要说给他最爱的人听,要发字内心的说,他从不抢镜,每次上台,总是站在最边上,把说话的机会留给别人,他拍电影时,即使弄到满手是伤,还在流血,弄到骨折也坚持不用替身,他说这是他本该做的,有人说尊是花瓶,但是他却毕业于墨尔本皇家理工大学,经济管理系,他会5国语言,他一个人像银行贷款千万,造出国际最知名品牌之一的两家健身房,尊很努力的去演戏,虽然他的演技真的不好,但他真的很努力了,他熬夜的去看剧本,理解剧本,他熬夜的把中文学好,一本中文字典都被他翻烂了,他出身于文莱,从小说的是马来西亚文和英文,所以拍戏更有难度,但他真的很努力了,这就够了,我们喜欢他,不是因为他的外表,是因为他的品质,他的努力,他的真诚,他珍惜粉丝送给他的每一样礼物,他真的很孝顺,他真的很善良可爱。 【准确一点,这句不用翻译】

He never cried easily, usually as long as there to eat, he will be very happy, he always would go to the first comfort others, he always hid his sadness, but when he saw Wang Dongcheng mother gave for work The Lane's covered with wounds of their encouragement, Wang Dongcheng cried statue was originally going to comfort Aaron and Wang Dongcheng, he wants to wipe away the tears of eyes on us smiling, but in the end he burst into tears, he pharyngeal ridge to say he wanted his mother, really wanted to, he looks like a strong, in fact, was so fragile, and every time he goes out, will be opened in the room a lamp, because he was afraid of lonely, he often others are when you go to bed to see fans of the message, although he worked very tired, but he said that the support of fans is his biggest motivation. He was very cute, secretly turned to his host package, even pulls out a banana box, and one with the bananas, as well as washing powder, whenever spare time, he will take to the streets to buy a lot of fruit, his favorite eat a banana, as well as kiwi, he is often sick, there is a very serious migraine headaches, but he in front of us, it was like the sun, sometimes innocently, is also on the program, look at other people speak their own in that giggle, He always liked the most edge of the stage in a program, sometimes if not many, but the next after the program is very nagging, he is very simple, but also Confucian said that he was walking on the street that are easy to fool others, He's really cute, very kind. Will always support him.

Have seen a lot of respect to reports, he also mentioned his sadness and tears I have thought about what it was like when the statue cried seeing video today that My God My heart is in pain

I vowed never to see him sad not to see his tears

Few of his statue cry tears if he is crying too precious days will be raining, I would like to

Mom always respect the pain and regret that such a man, I want to deserve to get more love and support of

To have a good hope that together with him spend the people to soothe his pain

I hope that he's realizing his dream as soon as possible as soon as possible to find the other half of life had he wanted life

Regardless of whether he appeared in my line of sight as long as he is not sad like a happy

In the present society is the most likely kind treasures Jin-Gui.

Really good like the statue's eyes, not just fine, not just beautiful, more importantly, the eyes clear.

Kind of respect for everyone around him was full of love.

Kind of respect for everyone around him is very tolerant.

Good statue, in frustration without blaming others, without the blast Red Shichong and conceited.

Kind of respect, filial piety is so much ......

Sometimes looking statue's eyes, you suddenly have a feeling distressed ......

Respect ......... He laughed as clear as spring water, his eyes innocent people upset, and for a long time have not seen the boys so clean, and his efforts, sincere, and his blog articles are Let me shock with admiration in the world but there are still so pure boys.

Respect, when he faced the media attack on him, he just said that he has already experienced the pain of this mother's death, are there any problems I can not persist in the past that he does, when respect for that remark, I clearly saw the statue tears in the eyes, but the statue still fight back tears that did not let down, he also said that what the media says he does not really matter, but he said, would never allow harm to his family, he is what a filial boys.

In each section, he wrote for his pro-kin of each article, although written to his mother's small, but I was able to feel deeply how much he is like his mother ah.

He wrote a blog is always so earnest, so sincere, and his Chinese already bad, he wrote a blog has to spend every 4,5 hours, all he stays up late writing, he said that he knew to be a fan of The hard, so he definitely will not let people like him disappointed fans and his Friends are so considerate.

Respect, one from Brunei prince, really deep love for me to. Love is not his appearance, but his clean heart, which in today's entertainment circles, really rarely met.

Although the statue acting bad, but he is really very hard, very serious, very strong, stay up all night writing his blog, stay up all night to see fans of the message, stay up all night studying Chinese, he fans gave him a letter on the body of his most posts bag, when the media attacks on his body, when he was injured, he was always a person to bear, some people asked him, when the media attacks on you, sorry you do, respect that, I will not sad, I will be more strong, I have gone through the pain leave my mother, and I still can not afford anything, so much respect for smiling for the camera a bit, but I clearly saw the red eyes, statue, but he was never easy to cry, even though his teammates cried, and he would not, he is always to comfort others, he always hid his sadness, but when he saw Wang Dongcheng mother to get to work because of the covered with wounds of their encouragement , Wang Dongcheng cried statue was originally going to comfort Aaron Yan and Wang Dongcheng, he wants to wipe away the tears of eyes on us smiling, but in the end he burst into tears, his throat ridge to say he wanted to his mother, I really The want to, seemingly strong, he, in fact, was so fragile, and respect even if the sore throat to the speechless, fever to the untenable, but he was punished teammates to help the most do not want to drink, he does not drink to drink a great mix of irritating liquid, he would not discuss the rhetoric fans favor, and never has to the fans that I love you, because he said I love you these three words is very valuable, to say to his favorite The people listen to the word heart hair, said he never Qiang Jing, each came to power, always in the forefront edge of the chance to leave the others to speak, his film, even when hands get full of injuries, is still bleeding, do not get fractures also insisted on a substitute, he said it was his to do this, some people said that respect is a vase, but he graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University of Economics and Management Department, he would five languages, he was a Portrait 10 million bank loan, Zaochu International, one of two best-known brands gym, respect very hard to go to a show, even though his acting is really bad, but he is really very hard, he stays up late to see the script, understand the the script, he stays up late to learn the Chinese language, a Chinese dictionary, and every time he turned bad, and he was born in Brunei, from the novel in Malaysia and English, so filming is more difficult, but he was really hard, That's enough, we like him, not because of his appearance, because of his quality, his efforts, his sincerity,he gave each of his fans cherish as a gift, he really filial piety, he was really cute kind.


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