
英语辩论会Is studying at school in China useful?

答案:3  悬赏:50  
解决时间 2021-02-10 21:00
英语辩论会Is studying at school in China useful?
not giving room for improper behaviour.

With proper guidance.

With good grades, students and teachers can both gain huge benefit from the system.

The students will also be more motivated in such examination-oriented system. Good grades will open more opportunities to the students for more possibilities whether to get into higher learning institutions or get a better job. Since the end goal is to excel during the examination, this will give a sense of direction for both parties. Students will be more focused in their studies and this will make teaching easier for the educators.

The situation in a class or school will be a lot calmer if the students are fully able to understand why there are occupying a seat in a class.

The whole point of studying is gaining knowledge. The clear direction in such education system helps everyone to focus on a specific target. With this. The time in a class will be fully utilized for learning purposes. The reward awaits them at the end of semester or year and this will create healthy competition among classmates. The students will work harder to improve themselves and the teachers can try to find a way so each student will be working together to work for success as one unit, appreciate the learning process and knowledge more. In a situation where knowledge is available without any need to learn them by heart, students are bound to take it for granted.

Proper implementation of examination-oriented education will benefit the students, teachers and even the parents. With the slight motivation to get good grades during tests, students will have to make an effort therefore, students will be saved from the trouble of suffering during their adult lifeIn an examination-oriented education system, there is a chance that the joy of being a young kid will not be able to be enjoyed fully by the young generation. Although it may take a bit of a joy out of a student, it may be worth the sacrifices. Consider these points
students will have to make an effort therefore. With proper guidance. The time in a class will be fully utilized for learning purposes. With good grades, students and teachers can both gain huge benefit from the system. Since the end goal is to excel during the examination, this will give a sense of direction for both parties. Students will be more focused in their studies and this will make teaching easier for the educators. The students will also be more motivated in such examination-oriented system. Good grades will open more opportunities to the students for more possibilities whether to get into higher learning institutions or get a better job. The situation in a class or school will be a lot calmer if the students are fully able to understand why there are occupying a seat in a class, not giving room for improper behaviour. With the slight motivation to get good grades during tests. The reward awaits them at the end of semester or year and this will create healthy competition among classmates. The students will work harder to improve themselves and the teachers can try to find a way so each student will be working together to work for success as one unit, students will be saved from the trouble of suffering during their adult life. The whole point of studying is gaining knowledge. In a situation where knowledge is available without any need to learn them by heart, students are bound to take it for granted, appreciate the learning process and knowledge moreIn an examination-oriented education system, there is a chance that the joy of being a young kid will not be able to be enjoyed fully by the young generation. Although it may take a bit of a joy out of a student, it may be worth the sacrifices. Consider these points
选了2篇文章,希望能够对你有所帮助。 Article 1: I’d like to talk to you a little bit about what are the advantages to China’s education system. If you can think of anything else, please add it in the comments below – I need your input! Long study hours = Hard work ethic In high school (and even junior high school), the majority of Chinese students study for hours on end. They are very used to 吃苦(eating bitter / going through hard times), as this prepares them for the rough work world that faces most Chinese workers, professional and blue collar alike. Years of night study sessions turns into a lifetime of overtime once the typical Chinese person begins their working life. And what exactly are the jobs that China’s education system is preparing its citizens for? Read on to find out a little more… Low Job pay and long work hours in China In today’s China, most jobs are ones that require very long hours. Although my evidence on this is largely anecdotal, I have met very few people (in fact, none) that work less than 12 hour days and at least a half day on Saturday (if not the entire weekend). While most people I talk to wish they could work fewer hours, none think this is really possible except for the handful with government jobs. They have come to terms with their fate of a life filled with long hours, you might say. In America there are few people who would be willing to work such long hours for such low pay. It’s safe to say that the starting salary of most entry level professional jobs in China are about 1/10 or less what they would be for a similar job in America (with average starting salary in Shanghai hovering around $250/month or 2000 RMB/month). And the gap grows for jobs that require little education. Many factory workers make 1/25 or less of what their American counterparts would make ($125/month or 1000 RMB/month is pretty standard for semi-skilled factory work in the modern coastal cities of China like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen). Years of massive amounts of memorization and classes before their working years prepares many Chinese people for extremely trying jobs that only pay nominal sums of money. Cramped study conditions prepares Chinese students for the harsh life to come Studying in tight quarters somewhat prepares Chinese students to eventually work (& live) in extremely cramped spaces. Trust me, Americans and other Westerners would not accept these kinds of living or working conditions. What do I mean by cramped conditions? How about four desks placed next to each other with no real dividers in an open room filled with hundreds of desks?
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